Val Meets Game Night

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Cory, Val, and Topanga sat at the kitchen table. Riley sat on the arm of the couch across from them.

"Family game night." Cory grinned "My favorite night of the month. Just me, my family, and my 'jama pants."

Riley's slippers squeaked as she marched over to her father "Why do you guys have to make such a big deal about game night?"

"Because game night is sacred, Riley." Cory explained "I know this is gonna come as a shock to you, but there's gonna come a day where you start to prioritize friends over your family."

"What? No." Riley scoffed guiltily.

Maya opened the door "Did you tell 'em yet? Did he freak? Did she tell you? Did you freak? Show me what you did. Freak out for me."

"Oh, no." Val groaned "Riley, you didn't."

"Why would I freak out?" Cory asked, confused "I don't freak out. What did you do?!"

Riley smiled tightly as the door opened again and Josh and Auggie walked in.

"Family game night, now with extra family!" Auggie exclaimed, leading the older boy in.

Maya twirled her hair flirtatiously "Well, hello."

"Well, hello." Auggie flirted back.

"Hi, Uncle Josh." Val walked over and hugged the boys "Aw, look at these two cuties. Breaking hearts?"

"All the time." Auggie responded slyly making Val laugh and pinch his cheeks.

"You are too cute."

"I know."

"Auggie didn't wanna miss game night." Josh explained to the Matthews parents "We never made it out of the city. Oh, here's your money." He passed Cory a bill.

"Hey, this is a dollar. I gave you a hundred."

"With that kinda money, you think we're not gonna buy steaks?"

Auggie sat down next to Val at the table and pulled up his shirt, revealing his full stomach "Thank you, Papa!"

"You know what?" Cory stood up "My brotha'!"

"My brotha'!" Josh and Cory hugged and laughed.

"Listen, you're here for game night. You're family, you're in."

The intercom buzzed "Farkle."

"And Lucas."

Cory's face turned to one of horror as Riley skipped over to the box and said "Come on up."

"Topanga." Cory said, shocked "It's happening. I thought we had a few more years."

"Calm down." Topanga told her husband.

"No calm!" Cory cried "It's happening right now! Riley invited her friends to family game night!" Cory stood up "Riley, shnookums. Um, you're gonna have to start to prioritize what's more important to you, your family, huh? Or your friends? There is only one right answer."

"Why do I--?"

"Wrong answer."

"Have to choose between--?"

"Wrong answer."

Before her father could interrupt again, Riley said very quickly "I love my friends and I want to hand out with my friends."

There was a knock on the door. Riley skipped over and opened it, revealing Farkle and Lucas.

"Welcome to family game night, friends."

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