Val Meets Friendship

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Mr. Matthews's History class sat watching the ads for the next class president. It was Riley's turn.

Maya's voice came from the television "The following is a campaign commercial brought to you by the Riley For Princess Committee."

A drawing, clearly done by Maya as it had no purple cats in it, appeared on the screen as Riley's voice said "Imagine your education in a magical kingdom and unicorns roam the halls."

Maya pulled the drawing away from the camera to reveal Riley in a blue princess dress, holding a sword, in the hallway, sitting on a horse with a horn taped to its head. What. The. Heck?

TV Riley raised the sword in the air "Say goodbye to too much studying."

She brandished the sword at the camera and purple magic shot out at two students, Darcy and Sarah, who were suddenly holding balloons rather than books.

A TV version of the twins' father walked down the stairs into the hallway.

"Say goodbye to meddling teachers." Riley pointed the sword at their father.

"But, Riley, I'm your father--" Cory protested but was cut off by more purple magic that made him disappear.

The camera cut back to Riley on her pony "A vote for me is a vote to live happily ever after. I am Princess Riley Matthews and I approveth this messageth."

TV Maya walked up next to the horse "The campaign of Riley Matthews is not responsible for anyone who thinks a horse is a unicorn." She looked at the horse "No, we're not."


4 Days Earlier

Cory stood in front of his class "Democracy. Our form of government where the power lies with the people. So who here can tell me another form of government where the power doesn't lie with the people?"

Farkle put his hand up and shouted "Farkle! Thank you, sir." He put his hand down "Dictators. Love 'em. They get to do whatever they want. I wanna be one someday."

The back door opened and Lucas walked in, late as he usually was on Mondays, since he would go home for the weekend to visit his friends in Texas.

"Mr. Friar!" Cory exclaimed, holding his arms up in relief.

"Sorry for being late, Sir. My flight was delayed." Lucas explained handing the teacher a late slip.

Riley turned in her seat to face the handsome Texan "You went back to Texas again this weekend?" She asked.

"Visited my friends." Lucas nodded.

"He misses his old friends." Riley smiled tightly.

"Aww." Maya smirked "Cowboy's got the blues."

"Don't make fun of him Maya." Val admonished, speaking for the first time all day "You would miss Riley if you had to move far away."

Maya ignored her and started singing with a Texas twang to her voice "Campfire for one my friends are all cows and I miss 'em. Ha-hur ha-hur-hur..."

Lucas pulled out a harmonica and started playing along with Maya's song. She turned around, hearing the music, and the grin slid off her face.

"I will never get to you, will I?"

"No." Lucas shook his head "But I sure do appreciate the effort."

Maya shuddered angrily "Ooh!"

"Okay, guys," Cory said, drawing everyone's attention back to the front of the room "Seventh grade student council elections are coming up."

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