Chapter 2

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When two people catch feelings, yet don't know how to show it, they can show it in many different ways. Aggression and annoyance are common along with giving one the cold-shoulder. In some cases, they realize the signs. In other cases they stay ignorant to it all. Why would someone realize the signs if they show none of them? Aggression, annoyance, and ignoring are signs of either love or hate. Which is it for this specific case?

"I bet I made 1st in the recommendations!" Inasa yelled as they were walking through the park. The friends had gone to the park down the street from Mikana's house. Inasa had barely finished the exam when Mikana got done with her interview. She had decided to wait for her friend since they had said to hang out with each other.

"Doubtful." Mikana replied, looking down at her phone. A text was sent to Milan 10 minutes ago, saying how she was hanging out with Inasa and to not wait up. She had barely replied with a thumbs up and a winky face. Mikana's face contorted from her indifferent look to a mildly horrified one. She had shook her head lightly, causing Inasa to throw her a glance.

"Don't worry." She told him. He nodded and started to babble on about heroes. Mikana had led them to a bench and sat down on it, with him to her left. She was partially listening while looking around the park, replying to his concerns with a simple 'hmm'. She was looking around until her eyes had landed on a tall blonde boy and a slightly shorter black haired boy.

"Tamaki." Mikana had said, getting up from her seat and walking to her other best friend. She knew that Inasa would not mind as he decided to join her in going to say hello and possibly make new friends.

"H-hey." a startled Tamaki said as she had hugged him from the side. Mirio, who was trying to make his clothes not fall through by only keeping his shoulders looked over at them. His smile immediately brightened at the younger girl holding Tamaki.

"Hey! It's been awhile! How were the exams?" Mirio questioned, only to be met with the same amount of enthusiasm by Inasa.

"They were great! I'm getting 1st hopefully, but I'll settle for 2nd to Mikana!" Inasa exclaimed. Mirio and him immediately set it off with the enthusiastic remarks.

The other two were simply watching them with Mikana now holding onto Tamaki's arm. They were both wondering about how their friends were so much alike. The enthusiasm they held at the same height as each other was a wonder.

Mikana had grabbed for her phone again, to see a text from her sister.

'Look behind you' Mikana gripped Tamaki's arm a bit more and turned to look behind her. She was expecting to see her sister or a random photo in her face. She was not expecting to see her sister with a bandage on her arm and a boy behind her. A boy. Something that had the male parts.

Confusion and denial were the only things that passed through her eyes, yet her face gave none of it away. Ignoring the bandage until later, Mikana would never imagine that her sister would have a boyfriend, she had never shown interest in anyone. No, no this couldn't be her boyfriend.

"Meet my boyfriend, Hiro."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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