Chapter 9 (The new normal?)

Start from the beginning

I didn't think the day would go as fast as it did. Before I knew it, the party was only a few hours away. I'd already told the others I would meet them there. I decided I was going to go as Starfire first to get that part over with as soon as possible. "Yin, Yang, combine!" I said quickly. Once I was transformed, I looked in the mirror. "Yin, Yang... Change my look." I said slowly. I watched as a skirt appeared slowly from my waist. It was medium/short in length and had a bit of f/c near the bottom. My sleeves opened to show my shoulders just a little bit. My favorite color being on it was comforting at least, I wouldn't be completely faking.

I shook my head and grabbed my whip and went out the window carefully. I made sure nobody could see me and closed the window, and jumped up onto the roof. I quickly made my way to where Chloe's party was. I found an open window and looked through. I could see that there were already a lot of people here. Ladybug and Rena Rouge were here. Guess Ayla had the same idea I did and was going to come back as herself later on. Both girls must have been told about the change, since it looked like they were both wearing dresses.

I jumped down, drawing a lot more attention than I thought. Guess people were watching that window. Maybe LB and Ayla had gone in the same way? Maybe that window was left open so people could take pictures, just great another way for people to snag a lot of photos. The paparazzi, aka all the people with their phones, kept taking pictures until someone else drew their attention. "What a meowvelous looking party." A voice mewed. I sighed. Of course he would show up last. I turned to look at Chat. His normal outfit now had a tuxedo collar instead of the cat collar. The bell was still there instead of a bow tie, but it still looked like Chat had a tux on. It did kind of look like he had a blazer on too. Chat gave me that sly smile. He walked towards me, really only a few feet and did a mock gentlemen's bow while holding his hand out.

"Would you care for dance m'lady?" He asked. I half growled. "I wasn't aware dates were a necessity for birthday parties." I said back. Chat stood straight and smiled even wider. "Well, I can't leave without having a dance with the purrtiest girl in the room." He replied. Of course everyone with a camera who heard that, started asking a whole lot more questions. "Wait, are you two really dating?" "Can we get a kiss or hug from you guys?" "Starfire, what's your view on all of this?"

People asked so many questions, it was hard to single them out. I shook my head, getting a headache already. "Look, you guys really need to give us some space. Me, Rena Rouge, Ladybug and Chat noir are here because the mayor wished us to. We can answer a couple questions later on, but now is not the time." I said, quickly walking away to find the table to set this paper down. Having bad luck, I found Chloe instead. "There you are Starfire." She said happily. Chloe was wearing a dress that pretty much screamed her favorite hero. It was red with black dots. She was even wearing a copy of LB's mask. "I knew you would show up. Daddy said you would. Look, you even have the mask part down already." She said, laughing at her own joke. It really wasn't that funny. I pretended to like the joke and gave Chloe the paper. "I didn't have time to buy a real gift, so I hope this makes up for it." I said, Chloe made a face before seeing what it really was.

Choose thanked me before making Sabrina take the paper to her room. Sabrina had on a Chat noir themed dress that included cat ears and tail. I left to look around, maybe find Ayla to talk to so I could calm down a bit. But being me, I tripped over something on the ground. Of course, Chat just had to be right there to stop me from hitting the ground. "We really should stop meeting like this." He said slyly while I turned red. People started taking more pictures. Chat helped me stand up without falling again. Someone had dropped a gift on the floor. A guy picked it up. "Sorry, I dropped it somewhere and couldn't find it." He said, I nodded. "It's fine, just try not to lose things. It'll help if you stay out of crowded places." I said gently. The boy nodded and disappeared. Chat made a face when I turned to face him. "How about that dance now?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "It'll be your way of thanking me." Chat added.

I half growled. I sighed. "Fine. One dance. You better not make a big deal out of it either." I growled. Chat grabbed my hand, throwing the cameras a grin, and took me out to where everyone was dancing. A song started playing not very long after that.

Chat offered his hand. I took it slowly. "What's wrong m'lady? You look more worried than before." Chat asked. I shook my head. "I don't know how to dance. I've never been to a party like this before." I admitted. (Sorry if you can dance or have been to a party and danced. Just a lack of imagination right now.) Chat smiled. "Just follow my lead. You'll be okay." He said, I nodded softly. "Trust me." Chat added before moving my hands around his neck. He looked at me before placing his hands around my waist gently. I blushed slightly, looking down to hide it. Okay, that felt weird but... also... kind of nice? Chat chuckled softly, making me look up. He was blushing too. I could see that a lot of the other people stopped dancing to look at what was unfolding. Chat moved his hand from my waist to make me look at him again. "Don't look at them okay? Just look at me, you'll get it." He said in a soothing voice. I nodded slowly. I bet Ayla ducked out to start a live-stream for her blog.

I never really noticed how Chat's eyes had two different shades of green in them. They looked... adorable actually. Chat wasn't kidding when he said to follow his lead. I could tell I messed up in more than a few places at first. But if I stepped on Chat's feet at any point, he didn't show or say anything about it. Maybe one or two of those were on purpose... But near the middle of the song, I was getting the hang of it a bit more. I could still hear the sound of someone snapping a picture occasionally, but I could ignore it now. "Now you've got it." Chat said softly. I met his eyes again. And~ there was that grin he always pulled. I still remembered his face after that fight with the witch. It had been so heart broken. I'd never apologized either. I had to now, before something a opened and ruined the chance to. "Chat..." I started softly. I could tell he was paying attention. "I'm sorry for what happened, after the witch... I was just confused, and mad, and maybe even more than a little hurt. I really didn't want to hurt you." I said softly.

I saw Chat shake his head slowly. "It wasn't your fault Loup. I should have known better than to do that. You were still trying to figure out what was real and what was fake." He replied. I shook my head. "I should have known what was wrong right away. You would say who you liked, not hide it. Maybe if I realized that, I wouldn't have been taken over like that. None of that would have ever happened." I told him. There was a short silence. Chat pulled us into a small circle. The song was almost over. We hadn't said a word when the song ended.

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