Chapter 37 (That- That's just offensive-)

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Your POV

I woke up at Adrien’s alarm.  I didn’t want to get up.  I always knew these patrols at night were going to lead to trouble during the day.  I heard Adrien get up, sitting up as well.  Running a hand through my h/l h/c hair and yawning a bit.  We had to get closer to finding out where Hawkmoth’s lair was.  It was our only hope to find out who he was and get back the butterfly miraculous somehow.  It would save Nuuroo from whoever had him.  What kind of person could just take away someone else’s rights?

But I got ready for school.  Adrien would be working on the movie with the others, so it seemed like a good distraction for a while.  I got ready, put on a jacket/sweater, something in my hair, and grabbed my bag.  Adrien took a little bit longer, coming down with what I assumed was a script.  Though getting something to eat was a bit difficult.  I had let Balance grab something from the kitchen last night as long as he was careful.  But how would I keep ham with me all day?  It would go bad after getting too warm.

Getting to school was probably never going to change.  There would probably always be people trying to take a few photos.  But we met up with everyone later arriving at the school.  “Hey, guys.”  Adrien greeted.  Ayla smiled a bit.  “Hey Adrien, y/n.”  She replied.  We headed into class.  Though mostly ended up talking about the movie.  Which was how I found out the two main characters were supposed to kiss before the monster showed up.  Great… Chloe had bided her way into that part.  She must have known about it beforehand.

Ayla stood next to me while everyone was trying to figure the scene out.  Mylene was having a hard time being the monster.  She was timid.  Chloe was not helping by mocking her about it either.  Chloe was even trying to change the script because she thought she could write it better.  I felt a poke in my pocket, ducking towards the back of the room.  Taking my phone out so everyone else would think I had gotten a call.  “Your friends are very strange y/n,”  Balance told me.

I glanced back at them.  “I supposed they could be… But they’re my friends, and everyone’s a little strange in a way.”  I answered.  Balance nodded, ducking back into my pocket after a moment.  Ayla waved me over, seeming excited about something.  That was when I realized Chloe had left for some reason.  “Where’d Chloe go?  Weren’t you in the middle of a scene?”  I asked, heading back over.

“Y/n, you should take over for Chloe,”  Marionette suggested, smiling a bit.  Wait… Ayla, what did you do to Marri?!  “Come on y/n, we need to finish this scene.”  Nino insisted.  Were they serious?  “But- But I don’t even know what I’d be doing or saying.  I haven’t seen the script before.”  I replied.  Ayla grabbed a script and shower it into my hands.  “You’ll be fine.  We have to finish this soon.  Just give it a try y/n.”  She said quickly.  I sighed.  There was no way I’d be getting out of this.  “Alright, I’ll give it a try.”  I allowed, making several people cheer.

As it was, they were still on the shot where the two main characters had to kiss.  No wonder they had made Chloe leave.  Ayla must have gotten Marri to say something to do that.  I took a moment to try memorizing the line I had in this scene.  We’d almost finished it too.  Until the door slammed open, showing a very mad Chloe.  She just claimed I’d come up with the idea to get closer to Adrien.  “What?  How could I have done that when I wasn’t even aware of this movie until recently?”  I replied.

We just ended up deciding to take a break for a while to figure out what to do next.  Though now I was realizing Mylene wasn’t here anymore.  “Hold on, where’s Mylene?  I thought she just went to the bathroom?”  I asked.  Ayla looked around a bit.  “Actually, yeah.”  She replied.  While everyone went to try and finish the scene, I helped look for Mylene.  We checked the bathroom first.  No… There was pink goo all over the mirror and floor.  The thing that showed up looked like a horror movie monster.  I ducked out as soon as I could.  I did see Rose and Juleka get out as well.  That was good, they didn’t get caught.

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