Chapter 4 (a water-ful fight)

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Your POV

Thunder crashed overhead, rain started pouring down.  I wasn’t losing the wave, but I wasn’t gaining distance either.  The water just kept getting closer and closer. If I could just manage to get inside a building, I would be able to transform.  I managed to open a door to an apartment complex. Water flooded the main entrance, making it harder to move. Luckily, nobody seemed to be in the room.  There was always some closet or bathroom around, I just needed to find that room and transform. I saw a door, that had to be an enclosed area. I got out of the water, quickly closing the door behind me.  I’d managed to find the box Master Fu had given me again. Nobody had seen the box and, somehow, it had survived the flames. I opened the box, letting Yin and Yang out of my purse. “This battle involves water.  One of these should let me breath submerged, right.” I asked, taking a dark blue macaroon out. “This one should work, right?” I added. Yin nodded. I broke it in half, giving one to each. I transformed quickly, the door was starting to break and water was starting to pour into the room.  I noticed my vision was blinking between dark blue and normal.

My hands, along with the usual black and white, had blue and a webbing between my fingers.  I saw my hair in the mirror. It had gone back to its natural h/c color, but with blue stripes along its length.  That’ll come in handy, nobody would think the ‘new girl’ was Starfire. The ‘new girl’ had n/h/c hair while Starfire had h/c hair.  I just hoped the coloring would stay and keep my hair n/h/c after I transformed back. The door broke completely, water came rushing in.  The room filled up quickly. I found myself taking a breath before the water reached the ceiling. It was then that I realized I could breath under the water.  I exhaled experimentally, the water bubbles floated up to the top of the room. This wasn’t good. If the first floor of this place was already flooded, that meant the school was flooding too.  I looked at the feet. I was floating in the water, but my feet had some kind of fins attached to them. My tail looked like it was surrounded by the same thing the webbing was made out of, sort of like a tadpole's tail.

Being underwater wasn’t the ideal situation for me, so I wasn’t exactly the most comfortable right now.  I took a breath, which felt weird being underwater, and listened carefully. I could hear farther underwater than when I’m not under it, must have been because sound travels differently underwater than on land.  I could hear people running to get out of the water. I half growled, finding myself swimming without knowing it. Guess it was an instinct after all. I swam towards the sound. The water had risen to the point that some of the lower buildings were now completely submerged.  I had to duck underneath/go over some cars that were floating/sinking in the water. The school was halfway flooded by this point. Some students were on the roof. I paused at the surface. My hair was wet, but it didn’t show any hint it was even colored in the first place. I dove back under the water and swam into the school.  If any kids were inside the top three floors still, they would be having a hard time finding their way out again. Especially if they were on the bottom floors.

I heard someone yell for help.  That voice was easy to recognize.  It was Chloe. I found her voice coming from the art room.  The door had been slammed shut, probably from the force of the water pouring through the halls.  I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. Unfortunately, the door came completely off its hinges, causing the room to be filled with even more water.  “Hey! What kind of rescuing is that?” Chloe growled. I held a growl back and swam into the room. Chloe was near the ceiling, floating on a desk. I swam up next to her.  “Come on. I’m getting you out of here before the room is completely full of water.” I said, trying to keep myself calm. Chloe would only freak out more if she saw I wasn’t in control of the situation myself.  “Okay.” Chloe said softly. She sounded really scared. I nodded. “Okay when I say ‘now,’ I need you to take a deep breath and hold it. I’m going to try and get you outside as fast as I can. If you run out of breath, tap my shoulder twice.  I promise, I’ll get you out of here.” I said gently. Chloe nodded.

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