Chapter 3 (the new y/n)

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Your POV (three days later, Chloe's birthday is two days away)

A sharp ringing sound jolted me awake. I half expected to hear b/n saying I was late for school again, but then I remembered he didn't know where I was. I touched my miraculous briefly before sitting up. I took a quick shower and got my clothes for the day out. I put on a f/c shirt and a pair of f/c leggings. I grabbed a small/medium s/f/c color purse. I made sure to put my f/c hoodie on and put my miraculous charm under the hoodie. Yin and Yang seemed worried about something. "What's wrong guys?" I asked. "We're just worried something will happen y/n." Yang said. Yin nodded. "Just make sure you're extra careful." She added. I half smiled. "It'll feel weird with everyone talking to me, but about me at the same time. I know I'll have to be very careful about what I'm saying and doing. I'll have to act differently from the first day of school." I started, taking a breath. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some fruit snacks, putting them in the purse.

This apartment is so similar to the one where b/n, and my parents, were living in. I grabbed the s/f/c backpack and put my hood up, grabbing the key and locking the door behind me. I'd enrolled in the same school as n/n y/f/l/n (your fake last name). This apartment was closer to the school, just a single block away. That would give me somewhere to go in case I needed to transform quickly, without having to duck into a random alleyway to do it. Yin and Yang went into my purse. I looked at my schedule. I still had Mrs. Kandy first period and Art last. That meant I had at least that was two classes with Adrien. Lunch was still the same too. It was math and science that were swapped, that meant I wouldn't see Marri, Nate and Nino anymore than first period and lunch. Ayla would have to deal with seeing me first period, lunch and art only. Though I had my guess that she would try to seem like she wanted to be my 'first new friend'.

I sighed and started going down the stairs. Once I leave the building, I saw other students walking into the school grounds. I ducked my head, keeping them from seeing my face completely. I'd dyed my hair n/h/c (new hair color) yesterday and it looked almost normal, except if I got it wet. The dye would run and come out, I could only buy temporary coloring and not the one that lasts longer. Temporary dye cost less and I needed to use the money I had wisely. I would have to get a part time job, so I would be able to buy everything. The landlord said I could stay in one of his newer apartments, as long as I gave him $50 a month and kept the noise down to a bare minimum. I'd been grateful the guy had been so nice, but his wife may have had more than a little in doing that. Either way worked, right? I crossed the street and looked around, like I really was new. It felt... good to be able to go back to a routine, especially after what felt like forever. I saw Adrien's car pull up, he was actually really early. Not even Ayla was here yet. Adrien looked around, I looked away so he wouldn't think I was staring at him, before walking over to where the group normally waited. I half smiled.

The only quote unquote open seat, would be mine. So I would really be sitting in my own seat, but only Ayla would know it really was me. Everyone else eventually showed up, except Marri though. She would probably be late, but it wasn't like everyone was never late before. Ayla glanced in my direction for a moment, but started talking to Nino. She had come over yesterday, to help me dye my hair and gave me a charger for my phone. I couldn't give anyone my phone number, they would see it was the same number. I had made a new email if anyone ended up wanting to keep in touch with me. When the bell rang, I started heading to class. I did have to put my hood down inside the building, so I would have to avoid making eye contact with people as much as I possibly could. I went to first period, pausing in the doorway. Everyone else had already sat down. Not a single person was absent today, well they all thought one would never show up again.

Mrs. Kandy seemed to see me. "Okay class, we have a new student with us. I know it seems too far into the school year, and with all that has happened, but I still want you all to help her have a good first day." She said. A few murmurs broke out at the word 'her'. I took a breath and walked over slowly. I could see everyone looking at me. Ayla half smiled, but she hid it quickly. Adrien look surprised, but expectant at the same time. It was the same look Chat noir had after he was de-akumatized. "Why don't you say something about yourself dear?" Mrs. Kandy asked. I nodded once. "My name is n/n y/f/l/n. I'm from h/t in the United States. I don't really know what's happened in the past weeks since I've only moved here a few days ago. I hope me being here doesn't cause any problems for you guys." I said, as though this was the first time I was introducing myself to a class. Everyone seemed to glance at the only empty seat. "But what if y/n comes back?" Someone asked from the back. I held my breath for a moment. "Sandra, if y/n does come back, I'm sure we can find a seat for her. Until then, n/n you can sit in any open seat." Mrs. Kandy said.

Sabrina suddenly stood up. "She can sit here Mrs." Chloe said quickly. Sabrina looked mad for a moment before swapping places with someone else. Nate took my old seat next to Adrien. I sighed softly and moved to sit next to Chloe. "I'm Chloé Bourgeois. I'm sure we're going to be best friends." Chloe said once I had set my stuff down. I reached up and touched my miraculous briefly. This was only temporary, it would go somewhat to normal when everyone knew the truth, I told myself that repeatedly. The whole class, Chloe told me all about herself since 'I clearly didn't know very much about Paris yet.' Even after the second class period, Chloe had found me and dragged me outside into the hall. "Hey, I know you're new but I'm inviting you to my birthday. It's in two days. The theme is after Paris's hero's. Ladybug is my favorite. It's a masquerade so come with a mask, duh. I'll see you there n/n." She said, walking away like the last three minutes never existed. At least now I knew who she was obsessed with, poor LB.

I was actually relieved when lunch came around. I grabbed a sandwich and sat at an empty table. I glanced around slowly. I could see Adrien, Ayla, Marri, Nate and Nino talking at our usual table. Ayla met my eyes for a moment before saying something. I looked back at my tray as Marri, who had been sitting next to Adrien, turned around. Ayla hadn't said a word to me all day, but she had said it would seem too weird if she started talking to me right away. I tried not to look at that table again for the rest of lunch. A few minutes before the bell rang, I went to throw my trash away. After grabbing my things, I started walking to class. I was looking forward to art, even though every teacher had me introduce myself to the class without fault. Nobody had really spoken to me, which I was okay with. 'Attention all students and faculty, an unexpected thunderstorm had started outside. Please continue with the day as planned. Be careful when leaving. Teachers, cover all windows in case strong winds send debris flying.' Mr. Damocles said dully. I sighed. Seemed like someone had been akumatized, yeah this part would always be the same. Someone bumped into me, making my things tumble to the ground.

I bent down to pick them up, when another hand reached for the same folder I was. It was Adrien. "Sorry about that. I was in a hurry, guess I didn't see you." He said, helping me pick everything back up. I nodded. "It's n/n right?" Adrien asked once I had everything. I nodded again. "Yeah... Adrien...?" I added, like it was a question. "That's me." Adrien replied, somewhat hesitantly. I half looked around, the hall was almost completely empty. "I'll see you later then n/n." Adrien said, walking away from the art room. Maybe he was heading to the bathroom. I went to art. Thankfully, Mr. T didn't make me introduce myself. Chloe, once again, moved Sabrina from her seat to make me sit next to her. "Miss, may I use the restroom?" I asked after a few minutes of the lesson. Once the teacher said 'yes,' I stood up and left. Instead of going to the bathroom, I went outside. A glimpse of black caught my eye before I saw what was really going on. The akuma looked like a mermaid, but they couldn't be out of water." "Help me, please." The girl said, it was like she was singing. My feet started moving towards her, I couldn't stop myself. The mermaid bared her teeth, letting her control over me slip enough I could back away. She was a Syren, not a mermaid. The girl raised her hand, a wave appearing behind her. A saw a tear fall from her eyes, making the water grow quickly. "Sh*t!" I yelped, turning to run. Why hadn't I learned to swim when I had the opportunity?

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