Chapter 23 (No time for Games)

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So, I'm gonna start relating the chapter name to if there's gonna be an Akuma.  If you wanna guess the name of reason, this top part should be where it goes.  Have fun!

Your POV

I followed his gaze.  The akuma looked like something from one of those dungeon games.  “I am the Games Master.  Hand over your miraculous- Wait, who are you?”  They realized.  Welp, guess I needed a new name now.  No doubt Ayla was recording this somewhere.  “Doesn't matter what my name is.  You’re not getting any miraculous’ today.”  I replied, growling slightly.  Chat walked over to stand next to me.  “The Akuma is inside of their staff.  They used it to trap me and Ladybug in that maze.”  He told me.  I nodded slowly.  Everyone else must have been caught the same way then.

The akuma moved their staff in a circle.  A bunch of daggers appeared.  For some reason, I grabbed my fans instead of the yo-yo.  As the daggers got closer, I opened them and somehow managed to deflect each dagger as it came.  “Woah.”  I muttered, looking at the fans again.  That was cool.  But now we knew the Akuma could summon weapons with that staff of his.  I returned the fans to my belt and took the yo-yo out.  The Akuma summoned more daggers, but I used the yo-yo to deflect them instead.  I ended up hitting myself in the head with the yo-yo somehow… Yeah, Ladybug will never let me live that down now.

We needed Ladybug not… Whatever I was.  “Divide!”  I said quickly.  Tikki appeared again.  I was using just Balance now so my vision went back to normal without the red tint.  “You should be able to find LB now, Tikki.  Good Luck.”   I told her, taking the ladybug earring off and handing them to her.  She nodded.  “Thank you.”  She replied before flying away.  Chat pushed me to the side roughly.  “You have to watch out.  We're not done here.”  He hissed.  I growled softly.  “You could have said ‘Watch out!’ instead of pushing me like that!”  I shouted.

I might as well give this form a name since I might use it a few more times.  “What- Who are you?!”  The Akuma realized.  I growled softly, thinking for a moment.  How about… “Fenrir.”  I replied after a few moments, blocking more daggers with my fan.  To be honest, using a fan to fight felt like something from out of those really old ninja movies or something.  I pulled my sword back out instead, putting the fan back on my belt.  By the time Ladybug finally showed up, we were already playing keep-away with the Akuma and their staff.

After the butterfly was back to normal, I left immediately.  That was for three reasons.  One was to make it look like I was already getting mad at my teammates.  Another was because I wanted to divide Balance again… And I was gonna timeout soon as well.  I didn't know if I could divide Balance when I wasn't transformed.  “Divide!”  I whispered as soon as I was out of sight.  I timed out almost right after that.  I sighed, leaning against the wall.  “Y/n, are you okay?”  Yin asked.  I nodded.  “Yeah… I just never thought I'd ever use a fan as a weapon.”  I replied.  I didn't have any more fruit snacks to give them at the moment.  So I just had a hope Hawkmoth didn't try throwing another Akuma at us until I got more.

I never would have guessed I would ever use Ladybug’s kwami like that.  Especially since I had to use Balance too.  If Tikki hadn’t told me about ‘Unify,’ I never would have known.  Now I had Fenrir to change into if something went wrong and I needed to use ‘Revelation’ again.  But what did I turn into when I unified Balance and Tikki?  It was like some hybrid.  No doubt I could do more than just fight with a pair of fans.  There has to be more to that form than the weapon choice.  Maybe I could ask Master Fu about it.  He might know.

I let Yin and Yang go into my purse.  “I'll get you guys something to eat during lunch, I promise.”  I told them.  Hopefully, things go back to normal as soon as we finally defeat Hawkmoth once and for all.  But then Master Fu might have us give back our miraculous’.  I'd lose contact with LB and Chat.  Even if I didn't know who they were, they were still my friends.  Maybe we could figure out a way to talk even without finding out who each other was... No.  It would be too risky.  We'd have to stop talking.  I shook my head lightly.  I had to get back to class before anyone noticed.

As I got back to the school, I saw Marri.  I waited for her.  “Thanks, y/n.”  She said.  I smiled lightly.  “Sure.  Hey, did you get caught in that maze?”  I asked as we started walking to class.  Marri hesitated.  “Y-yeah.  I did.”  She replied eventually.  Ayla still wasn't back for some reason.  Maybe she was waiting for her video to upload first.  “I did too.  It looked crazy.  I even had to avoid all these huge rolling stones.  I was like something out of Indiana Jones or something.”  I continued.  Marri nodded.  “I bet.”  She answered back.  Class for back on schedule not too long after that.  Ayla finally turned up again.  Right after I got a message from the Ladyblog about a new video she uploaded.  I waited until lunch to watch it.

I was right about when she'd been recording.  She caught me using ‘divide’ and then when I said my name was Fenrir.  There was already a comment saying Fenrir was considered the Goddess of wolves in some cultures.  Was that where I got it?  I didn't even remember that, just that the name was unique.  Oh well, no point in changing it now.  Fenrir would just have to stay.

“That video looks pretty good Ayla.”  I told her while the teacher was facing the board.  Ayla nodded.  “I know.  I was surprised by that new hero.  Do you think that was Starfire, or maybe another hero altogether?”  She asked though I knew she knew it was me.  She was just playing along because some of the other students were listening in on our conversation.  I shrugged.  “I don't know.  Might be the same person.  I read up on the miraculous' a bit and there wasn't any mention of many duplicate gems like that.  She still looked like a wolf in a way too, so I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same person.”  I replied.  It was probably better to give the eavesdroppers the idea it was still Starfire in a way.

Didn't want to give people more reason to try to follow us when we go to transform back.  Lunch could not have come sooner.  I had to get Yin and Yang something to eat before Hawkmoth tried anything again.  Fortunately for me, it was pretty easy to sneak them something.  I tried to seem just as confused as everyone else about the maze thing with the Akuma.  It seemed like a lot more people had been in there than I had thought.  It was like there were different mazes depending on where the Akuma caught you from.  Adrien said the maze he got caught in was completely pitch black so he couldn’t even move or see who else was there.  Let alone try to get out of there.

Ayla caught me after school.  I already knew what she wanted to talk about.  “So… What’s with the new looks?”  She asked.  I smiled lightly, making sure nobody would hear us talking.  We were walking home, I just had to get something before meeting Adrien and his dad.  “It was kind of crazy.  I didn’t even know there was an Akuma until the alert went out.  I got to the park but fell right into the Akuma’s trap.  I guess Ladybug had transformed back or something because her kwami was there.  She had me unify Yin and Yang back into Balance, the original kwami of my miraculous.  That was the second form.  The first form was when I unified Ladybug’s kwami and Balance.”  I explained softly.

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