Training (Not field trip)

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Peter groans loudly, "Why do we feel the need to tell, at fiVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING?!"

Tony pops his head through the doorway, "Pete, you were yelling too."

Peter rolls his eyes before responding. "Yeah only cause you guys were yelling first."

Just as Natasha walks past the room on the way to training, she says "You two are like children, Tony I don't know how you're a father."

Tony smirks and says, "Yeah, ok but I'm pretty sure you know the process Nat." Ending with a wink.

Nat walks away with her middle finger held high.


"Ok everyone, I'm partnering you all up for sparring first," Steve starts, "Bucky, you're with me. Tony with Rhodey, Peter with Natasha, Clint with Sam, Bruce do you want to join in on this one?"

Bruce nods, "Yeah, I think the big guy wants a go."

The group smiles at Bruce starting to feel more comfortable unleashing the Hulk.

"Alright, then Bruce with Thor, Wanda with Vision. Tap out to win, go as hard as you want."

The group splits, everyone heading to a section of the training room with their partner.

Nat smirks at the teenager, "Go your hardest, Peter. Don't hold back."

Peter seems unsure, not wanting to hurt his family but he knows how capable they all are, especially Nat so he decides to listen to her and go his hardest, "You too Nat."

JARVIS plays a whistle sound and everyone starts.

Nat makes the first move knowing full well Peter won't attack her unless she starts first.

Peter blocks the side jab to his head and kicks a leg out which Natasha swiftly leaps over. Whilst in the air she grabs a hold of Peter's sleeve and pulls his arm behind him.

Peter takes a breath and ducks under her arm freeing his in the process.

He picks her up and throws her across the training mat yelling YEET at the top of his lungs.

Natasha spins in mid air and lands silently absorbing the weight of the drop with her whole body.

Advancing towards the teen again she feigns a punch, spins and trips the younger spider.

He springs back up launching off of his hands.

They continue, each holding the upper hand and then quickly surrendering it to the other. Neither of them could win.

Most other matches were finished so everyone wanted to watch the two spiders.

They stood to the side not daring to make a sound.

Peter back handsprings to avoid Natasha's blow with the older spider jumping and doing the splits in the air to kick the teen.

Knowing that the fight would go on forever, Steve calls time.

Both sweating profusely they head to the bench for their water bottles.

Steve informs everyone that next would be everyone working the bag for at least 15 minutes. The person with the most hits in that time wins and doesn't have to cook for a week.

They all take stance in front of their specialised bag. The whistle blows and they're off.

Practicing different punching styles and techniques on the bag really works up a sweat.

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