mini boss part 2

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Here's the part 2, Sorry about it being really late Marching Band has been getting really hectic and we jut had a comp that we played at (IT WAS AMAZING!!!)

⚠️Trigger warning: ⚠️ LGBT+ couple so if you don't like that then don't read, one curse word that I used in an AN 

⚠️Spoiler warning: ⚠️ Nothing that I'm aware of

If there's any warnings that I've missed please comment and I'll fix it up



"These are the lowest level research labs that we have here at SI. On this floor we have approximately 247 workers, as this is one of the biggest floors that we have here aside from the Avengers training room and common room which we will not be visiting today as there is a lack of time," Peter explains leading them from the elevator to the glass doors of the labs. 

Peter stops short of the doors, "Okay everyone, these rules are extremely important so I want everyone to listen, a contraventions of these rules and I will not hesitate [AN I won't hesitate b*tch] to send you out to wait as the people in this lab are working. They are on a very tight schedule as it is with deadlines coming up so we will only be speaking to the people who aren't very busy. A quick warning before we enter, there will be people rushing around, some may be running on so little sleep that they will not be aware of their surroundings and may appear to be acting extremely rudely towards you but don't take it personally and please try to stay out of their way." 

Peter claps his hands together, "Okay, now on to the rules, Do not, under any circumstance touch anything on the benches unless you have been told by either an intern or myself that it is safe to do so. Upon accepting this tour, one of the documents you were required to sign was a Non-disclosure agreement, that basically means that any secret SI stuff that you see like future plans ecetera can not be mentioned to anyone outside of this building and if  they are spoken about or revealed then we are able to sue you for breaching that contract that you signed. As much as possible try to make it seem as if you are not there, this means not distracting the interns or moving anything and all that. In the likely event of a fire then we will proceed to the fire escape in a calm manner, the fire escape is located in the far right corner. Yes, Cindy?" Peter nods to the girl who raised her hand.

"Um, Peter you said in the 'likely event of a fire', do you mean the unlikely event?" the girl in question asks. 

Peter shakes his head lightly, "No, I'm afraid not. These labs especially are prone to fires, they occur so often that we must warn people before entering because it is highly likely that it will happen. If or when it does today then I will need you all to remain calm as if it escalates to much we have measures in place to take care of this and any panicking will only make the situation worse."

The group nod in response to the rules stated. "If there are no further questions then we are all set to continue the tour?" No one raised their hand so Peter continued. 

"Upon entering please scan your badges as you did when you entered the building and any questions regarding anything in this room can be directed to myself and they will be answered or I will get someone to answer them for you."

The group passes through the doors, a short beeping emitting from the scanners which send the information straight to FRIDAY, once the group has all passed through the doors Peter leads them towards the first set of benches which some college level interns are working on some small designs, blueprints strewn everywhere. 

"MB! Thank God you're here, can you read over my blueprints real quick, I was just about to send them up to you but if you're here and not busy then could you take a look now?" Adam beckons him over holding some A3 designs. 

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