disappointed (not a field trip)

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Welcome back everyone! Sorry for the long time that I've been off (I've explained in my outro).

Please enjoy!

⚠️Trigger warning: extreme stupidity and a couple of curse words⚠️
⚠️Spoilers: scenes from CA:TFA mentioned⚠️


"-during Steve Rogers' training in the army he was faced with many challenges, one being his physicality and all that, people didn't take him seriously. One day they did, that day being the day that a fake grenade was thrown in the camp. While everyone else ran for cover, trying to protect their friends Steve jumped on top of the grenade in order to save the rest of the men. He was willing to sacrifice his life to save people that quite frankly didn't want him there and if that doesn't show his loyalty to his country then I don't know what does."

The teacher ends his rant about Captain America and Peter sits there surprised but not at the same time. He wonders how true it actually is so he decides to ask Steve when he gets home.

---time skip, this is Pauline, say wassup to Pauline---

Peter exits the elevator walking into the common room in the penthouse. Steve and Bucky sat on the couch watching TV, Sam sitting on the other couch next to them. "Hey Uncle Steve, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure kid, shoot," says the man in question.

"We got told stories about the war that you and Uncle Bucky fought in, I was wondering how true they were. Like the first one we got told was how in the training camp someone to your group yelled 'grenade' and then threw a fake one in the middle of the group. Apparently while everyone was scrambling to save themselves and their friends, you went and jumped on it to save the rest of them."

Beside Steve you could see Bucky's body go rigid. As if in slow motion, Bucky turns towards Steve with the dirtiest glare gracing his features. Steve knew where this was going and refused to make eye contact with his boyfriend.

"You did what, punk?" Bucky questions.

Steve swallows thickly, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, "Uhm, uhh," he sputters.

Smiling sheepishly at the soldier Steve quietly muttered, "Sorry." Keeping his head facing the ground Steve avoided the death glares he was currently being sent.

Bucky turns to face Peter, "So kid, what other stories were you told about our Stevie here, that one by the way has just been proven 100% true."

Peter ponders the question before answering, "Well there was the time he nosedived the plane into the ocean, but you already knew that."

Bucky rolls his eyes, "Of course, I'm gone for less than a month and he's already out there going on suicide missions. You're a bloody idiot you are."

Steve visibly shrinks back into his seat dreading the direction the conversation was heading in.

"Oh! Ah, there was also that time that you stood on the bonnet of a car that was going full speed so you could jump onto the plane that you ended up crashing into the ocean later. You were so close to the edge, you could have died!" Peter says excitedly.

The captain could feel the soldier glaring a hole though his skull. "I hope for your sake that what he just mentioned is a lie," Bucky says, his voice just above a whisper.

Steve slowly lowers himself lower into the couch, though it doesn't seem possible to make himself smaller than he looks right now. He covers his face and mutters 'this can't be happening' repeatedly to himself.

Peter looks between the two, completely and utterly confused. "I-i don't understand the problem here?"

Bucky turns to face the teen and sends a small smile his way. "Well kiddo, this idiot right here," he says pointing to Steve who is almost curled into a ball at this point, "thinks that he can do whatever he wants without fear of injury just because of the serum. Constantly I have to save his ass because apparently he has nO SELF CARE AND NEEDS SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY KEEP HIM ON A LEASH 24/7!"

Peter looking even more confused than before stands up and backs out of the room slowly. "Well, I'll just leave you guys to... talk... this over."

Once the young spider is out of the room Bucky leans over and smacks Steve upside the head.

"OW! Wh-"

"Don't you dare ask what that was for! You know damn well." He says pointing a finger at his best friend.

Bucky throws his hands in the air, "Honestly, how are you still alive right now? You'd hope to god you're not hiding any other stupid acts from me or I swear to god you're a dead man punk! You are so stupid and I don't think you would survive without someone there to tell you how idiotic your plans are sometimes!"

Steve couldn't find the words to apologize to his friend so he pulls him into a hug and doesn't let go for a long time.


Holy sh*t, I am so sorry that took so long for me to post. I have had major writers block recently and no motivation to top it off. But here's something so I hope it's alright because I'm still suffering from the writers block etc.

Thank you all for staying and reading it means a lot to me and you all make my day when you comment, vote, follow, read, DM me etc. I live it so much.

Hopefully I'll post more soon. But until next time.

947 words

~ Mystic Nova

✌️ Out

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