MiniStark pt 2

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⚠️Spoilers: None ⚠️
⚠️Trigger Warning: One swear that's censored ⚠️
Thanks so much for @Area51RaidXD for requesting a part 2, I wasn't going to do one for this one shot but now I'm glad I did.


The class glance with an open mouthed expression between the billionaire and their classmate.

Tony pulls Peter in for a hug ignoring the rest of the students still present in the room.

"Well now that's over, Lily can we please continue with the tour?" Peter asks hopeful to leave the gazes of his classmates behind, a trait that he shares with his father. Unlike what the public thinks, Tony while enjoying the spotlight most of the time, often he just wants some peace and privacy away from the paparazzi, the cameras etc.

"Of course MB, right this way guys!" Lily exclaims with her false enthusiasm that she needs to keep up at work (AN bruh that's a whole mood).

The class start to move off following their tour guide, Peter strays behind a little so he can have a short conversation with his father.

In a hushed voice Peter asks, "Did you really mean that Dad, all that stuff you said about me being an asset to the company and all that?"

"Of course I did Pete, the company wouldn't be the same without you and I can guarantee my life wouldn't be as sorted out or together. You're a great kid Pete and I hope you remember that." Tony smiles proudly at his son.

They follow after the class that just left, walking slowly having their own conversation.

Lily leads the class to one of the Chemist labs. They all enter and are walking around looking at projects being made by interns. Tony looks over to his son noticing that he is itching to revert to his lab director ways and help out, "You know, everyone knows you're the heir so I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you helped out some of the interns."

Peter grins and mumbles a quick 'thanks dad' to Tony and heads off.

"Hey Hamish, did you find the fire extinguisher in time?"

Hamish looks over to the source of the sound, "Yeah, thanks miniboss. That was a disaster waiting to happen."

Curious Peter questions, "What went wrong anyway, did you fix it?"

"No, not yet I haven't found the right chemical to substitute. As for what went wrong, I mixed acetone, sulphuric acid and potassium permanganate which caused a chemical fire in the form of manganese heptoxide (AN lol kudos to me for taking chemistry). I don't think I was thinking straight and I designed the entire base around the use of potassium permanganate and now I can't find a substitute."

Peter nodded along with the explanation, "Well maybe we should try substituting it for 35% hydrogen peroxide, it should keep it under control enough for the reaction to take place."

Hamish stands up and heads to his cupboard pulling out some hydrogen peroxide, "I've got 3%?"

Peter shakes his head, "Nah it has to be 35," Peter glances around the room and calls out to Sally one of the college interns, "Hey Sally do you have some spare 35 HP from the experiment we did last week?"

Sally nods and brings over half of a jar to the table, "Thanks Sal, you're a lifesaver!" Peter exclaims.

The teen looks around for his teacher catching eyes with his dad who offers a small smile, setting eyes on his teacher he beckons him over. "Sir, if you'd like, Hamish was just about to conduct a replacement trial and if you want the class could come and look?"

"That'd be great Peter, but doesn't he need confirmation from his boss or something?" The teacher replies obviously not grasping the conversation that was had before the class came to this room.

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