mini boss - part 1

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People underestimate how much work is involved with being the heir to such a large company such as Stark Industries. There is so much responsibility, the paperwork, meetings, clients, employees and all of the work load being given out and performed. 

Essentially Peter was having a tough time. His father, Tony Stark had taken him out of school for 2 months to ensure that Peter knew the business and it's workings inside and out. Tony has been teaching Peter himself how to run such a company and keep it running smoothly.

It's only been 2 weeks and Tony is already finding ways to use Peter to get out of meetings, whether it be 'oh I'm so sorry fellas but we need to wrap this up I'm supposed to be teaching my heir how to run a company today' to making Peter attend and make decisions on his behalf at the meetings.

Today was no different, Tony didn't want to go to a meeting, so he sent Peter to all of his meetings scheduled for today. So this is what Peter's schedule looked like for the day.

10:15 - meeting with representative from Oscorp
11:30 - meeting with Kane Thompson (business proposal)
12:00-13:00 - lunch
13:15 - tour group session (leading them around R&D labs and Biochemics labs)
15:00 - meeting with Harrison Masey (business proposal)
16:00 - meet dad and tell him about the day

Yeah, it was quite hectic. Since he had 3 meetings and a tour group he decided on a suit today, for the professionalism and presentability.

He pulls the dark blue button up shirt from the hanger and pairs it with a grey vest, grey suit jacket and grey slacks with polished black dress shoes.

He pulls the dark blue button up shirt from the hanger and pairs it with a grey vest, grey suit jacket and grey slacks with polished black dress shoes

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Peter changes into the 3 piece suit after a breakfast of French toast and waffles (thanks uncle Steve).

He struggles with his black tie but fixes it in the end, maybe, ok it's not fixed but hopefully it will do.

He checks his watch, 09:45, 30 minutes until his first meeting, Peter heads downstairs to check if his dad needs him to do anything else.

"Hey Dad, my first meeting isn't for 30 minutes is there anything else you needed me to do today in-between meetings and stuff?" Peter questions the man who is in fact nursing a cup of coffee.

Tony looks over to Peter chuckling when he sees his tie. He gestured for Peter to come over to him and the teen does. His father undoes his monstrosity of a tie and smoothly ties it into a perfect Windsor knot.

"Not that I'm aware of Pete, but honestly, I don't say it enough but having you help run the company has literally been the best, you're so smart and willing to give everyone a fair go, people look for that in a leader, in a boss. You'll be a great boss one day and I'm honoured that the company is going to you. Thank you Peter".

"Aw thanks dad, love you too" Peter says as he pulls his dad into a hug. "Alright, I better go to be on time for this meeting, see you later dad!"

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