Flash's BIG mistake (not field trip)

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Here's a request, super late ik. Sorry for that. Please enjoy!

⚠️Trigger warning: some dark stuff, bullying, curse words⚠️

⚠️Spoiler warning: Spider Man: Homecoming events revisited⚠️


So, what did you guys get up to on the weekend? Hang out with friends, study or isolate yourself in your room? Whatever it was, I can guarantee you that it wasn't as eventful as my Saturday night. Let me recap for y'all.

So, it started our normally, right? I was doing my Saturday evening weekly patrol when there was a bright blue flash/explosion that looked really similar to the old alien tech that was being sold last year. I thought 'it can't be the vulture 'cause he's locked up now right?' Well take a guess who was there when I swung over there?

If you guessed anyone other than Toomes then you're wrong. Yep, Toomes, the Vulture, back on the streets again.

So, me being me, I flipped down out of my hiding place.

"I didn't think you'd come Pedro."

I shivered at the mention of that name, but hopefully played it off, "I didn't think you'd stoop so low as to have a stereotypical villain hide-out."

He smirked evilly at me, "Well Pedro," there it is again, that name, "you've got to play the hand you're dealt."

"Okay, well I've got a physics essay due on Monday so can we fast forward to the part where I beat you, and you go back to jail?"

"No can-do Pete, see while you wasted time talking, I tricked you again," he says "you see, I wasn't working alone. My friend set up a little game for you to try and work your way out of."

I turn around thinking I was ready for what was presented to me. Boy was I wrong. I immediately am knocked off my feet. I hit something solid and f*ck that hurt, man I felt a crack that time. Stumbling to my feet I look around trying to find Toomes and his invisible friend.

"Come on man," I say spitting blood from my mouth to the side. "It's the weekend cut me some slack."

The only response given was a slight growl that came from Toomes himself before I was body slammed back into the wall, leaving cracks in the drywall around me. I couldn't keep back the groan that escaped past my lips.

I am lifted higher by the Vulture and thrown somewhere across the room, I couldn't quite see in the dark and was unaware of my surroundings. He starts advancing towards me before he freezes in his place staring at me.

I try to stand while he's distracted but I soon realise that I can't move to stand up.

There's a rumbling that I can hear, getting closer by the second and on closer listen I distinguish it as thrusters. Mr. Stark's suit thrusters. I relax a little because I know Mr. Stark can help me up when he gets here and take down Toomes.

I feel around in the darkness for something that could help me to stand, my hands finding a pole somewhere below me. I use my arms to push myself up, drawing an immediate cry of pain from my lips.

I still can't see so I'm unaware of whatever's drawing this pressure in my chest.

"Kid, you in here?"

Thank the gods its Mr. Stark, "Over here," I choked out, my voice cracking on the last syllable.

The black figure of Mr. Stark approaches me, "Kid, its dark as hell in here," he says while using the light form his arc reactor to guide him towards me.

The second he spots me he rushes towards me, pulling something out of somewhere in his suit. A second later I realise it was a flashlight. The second he switches it on our area is filled with a bright light.

Peter Parker Field TripsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara