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Category: AU - Band

   —Mingi loved watching the marching band in elementary school. so when high school rolls around, he finally gets to march with the band. soon, they take a trip to the states, where Mingi finds someone more amazing than music—

   The first time Mingi saw a marching band was in 7th grade. He was fascinated by the sound each of the instruments made, and how they all came together to make a song.

His school allowed students to prepare for marching band in 8th grade so they could play in 9th. Mingi was excited to do just that, since he had always found music to be a passion of his.

He had chosen to do percussion, ultimately. Around his second year of band, he became one of their best percussionists and made lots of friends.

His best friend was actually a trumpet player, which was fitting since he was quite loud. San was extremely nice and enjoyable to be around, a perfect match for the outgoing Mingi.

Soon, Mingi's band was to perform in America. New Orleans, to be exact. Their band director had connections to a well-respected musician who had ties to the Mardi Gras parades.

This was very exciting to San and Mingi, given that neither had been out of South Korea before. The duo's excitement was shared with a new friend, Seonghwa, who played the flute.

When February rolled around, the young musicians were gathered and brought to the states. Mingi, San, and Seonghwa shared a room together in their hotel, which was proving to be quite fun.

Mingi tackled San to the bed, trying to tickle the older to death. "Stop it Mingi!" San let out between his laughs. Seonghwa chuckled from his spot on the couch, not completely understanding their relationship but deciding not to question it.

"If you guys are too loud, we'll get a sound complaint. There are people below us that you two could be disturbing!" Seonghwa said finally, after Mingi and San made an especially loud noise.

Both of them reluctantly stopped their play-fighting and, surprisingly, calmed down rather quickly. Mingi was soon passed out, going to sleep thinking about performing.


Has there ever been a moment in your life where you think: "Holy Shit That Man is the Most Beautiful Person in the World"?

Mingi was currently staring down a gorgeous man whom he had seen in one of the other bands.

He had a bright smile and energetic actions, which he paraded around everyone he saw. Though the guy was small, he was packed with an outgoing attitude which was quite infectious.

Mingi smiled to himself watching the other play with his bandmates. He didn't realize San's excited tug on his shirt sleeve until the older pinched him.

"We're about to perform dude. Quit checking out American boys." San teased, smiling cheekily. As much as Mingi didn't want to, he tore his eyes away from the sight and followed San.

They blended back into their band and were led to their spot in the parade lineup. "I think this one is Endymion," Mingi's friend, Yunho, says as he picks up his sax and places the strap around his neck.

"It has a lot of bands. There are a ton performing in between the floats."

Mingi let out a breath, gripping his drumsticks in his right hand. "I'm excited but also nervous. I can't stop thinking about this really pretty dude." He groaned.

San laughed as Yunho walked away at the call of their drum major. Mingi prepared himself for a bunch of walking, hands tingling with excitement.


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