Chapter 13 - Her- Unknown

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The gentle reverberations seeping out of his chest are soothing, but don't hold quite the power as the other man's did. They take the edge off my pain, but don't seem to affect my ability to think.

"I'm an Alpha," he states.

"Wha-" I realize I'm about to ask him what an alpha is, but the lethal knowledge lurking in his eyes makes the question dry up in my throat. His weird vibrations and colossal size make him seem like he's from another world—one that I've fallen into and can never escape.

If it weren't for the pain, I would think I slipped down into the darkness and found an alternate universe.

Already in motion, my mouth blurts the question that pings around inside my skull.

"What have you done to me?"

Another man's face arrives in my periphery, and my fear rumbles back to life.

The emotional unbalance threatens to sink me. I feel as though I've been on the worst kind of journey, with my spirit and body being flung around. It's as if someone stretched me out, balled me up, stuffed me in a sack, and threw me across the desert.

Oh wait, I was thrown. Across an alley. My entire body throbs in wretched pain.

Every tortured muscle tenses in wary uncertainty, the unknown man an unexpected arrival. His white and black hair is shocking in its contrast.

"We've found you. Nothing more," the new guy says.

More movement comes from around us, and I feel people surrounding us—killer vibes emanate from them, and more worry fills me.

"I'm Dirk. That's Vander. And there's also Jumoke and Kwame here. We won't hurt you," the man holding me says, his purr rumbling as he speaks.

The movement is oddly fascinating. Even with it being only a shadow of his calling, I'm finding it hard to ignore. It promises protection, warmth, and care.

And I hurt. I hurt everywhere.

The pain, the fright, the emotional battle, it all wants to override my ability to think. I just want to rest.

"How do I know that?" I ask, fighting back tears.

"You'll have to trust us, beautiful, just for a little while. We may be strangers, but we have no reason to hurt you," says an unfamiliar voice from behind Dirk. A man with long brown hair and light blonde highlights steps close to Dirk's shoulder. His mustache and goatee match his hair color, and his vivid hazel eyes show a sparkle of lightness, but nothing about this situation amuses me.

If it weren't for Dirk's coaxing rumble, I would have passed out from exhaustion and pain.

The nagging question in my mind, the one that, when asked to me, sent me searching for reprieve in the abyss, shoots from my mouth, "What's wrong with me?!"

I've lost all modicum of bravery. Tears slip out of my eyes, stinging my burnt skin, highlighting the pain in my head.

Dirk's purring increases, and more soothing vibrations join his.

The hazel-eyed man runs a finger across my temple, pushing my curls out of my eyes.

"Abso-fucking-lutely nothing, gorgeous. You're an Omega," he says.

"Jumoke, watch yourself. You can feel her tie to Seeck. Don't get too handsy," Vander, the man with white and black hair states.

The cacophony of purrs seep into my marrow and everything takes on a hazy quality. I register his name, Seeck, but the fury is too potent. Knowing that I cannot handle more emotional turmoil, my thoughts lock them in a box, out of reach.

"What's an Omega? What does that mean?" I whisper, everything aching, nothing making sense.

The word weaves it's way into my chest, embedding itself into my psyche. It feels right, but I don't know what it entails.

"You shouldn't be here," a fascinating, raspy voice states from the other side of me.

Wrapped in Dirk's massive arms, feeling the purrs in my limbs, I turn my head. Just that slight movement sends sharp streaks of lightning through my neck.

A man with coppery skin, a halo of tightly curled black hair, and rich brown eyes looks at me with a somber expression. More tears leak from my eyes, and emotion passes through his features. He steps closer, and instinct cries for me to retreat from him. From all of them.

But the purring and the strong arms cradle me gentler than anything I've ever experienced, lulling me to calm. The dark-skinned man, who must be Kwame, stops moving forward and puts his hands up, showing me his empty palms, holding them at his shoulder level.

"Relax, little one. We need to find better shelter and tend to your wounds," he says. His raspy, colorful vibration adds to Dirk's and Jumoke's, and the triple assault wraps me in pleasantness.

As they speak to each other, the fourth man, Vander, adds his purr into the mix, and I lose my battle with fatigue. My senses float in a cottony half existence as my mind separates from my body, and the pain becomes muted. The slight relief is enough for my thoughts to slink into oblivion.   

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