𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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"Demon," Jack snarled, lunging at her only to get held back by Thorn who was luckily able to stop Jack quick enough from tackling Ruby to the ground.

"I'm not a demon," She tried to reason, putting her hands up in defense.

"Demons don't exist," Thorn reasoned from above him. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

"My fathers hunt demons... Ruby, she's a demon!" He exclaimed struggling to get free though he had no luck, he was trapped.

"This boy is nuts! He ought to be kicked out for being a psychopath,"

"Relax it's probably just his blood loss making him hallucinate..." Y/N tried to reassure though with anyone else they would have been cast to the outside never let back into her close circle... But Jack was different.

"You're a demon! You probably know how to stop the virus but you want it to happen! That's why Sam had to stop loving you... You're evil,"

"Sam killed me... I'm not a demon anymore I'm human," She reassured through a smirk. "Even if I did know how to stop the virus I wouldn't tell you,"

"What the fuck Ruby you knew it this whole time?" Kylie Thorn's best friend spoke up coming in from the back. "I went for drinks what the hell did I miss,"

"Ruby's a demon?" Thorn whispered questionably his grip on Jack's arms gradually releasing.

"So do you or do you not know how to stop the virus?" Y/N questioned crossing her arms and looking Ruby in the eyes... She was going to get answers.


"Answer the damn question!" The leader exclaimed, raising her voice loud enough to cause even more people in the hall to stare.

"Well... I might know something that might work- but it's not guaranteed Y/N Jack's a bad man he was raised by killers... You have to believe me you've known me for longer!" Ruby exclaimed, suddenly being held back by Thorn and Kylie.

"You and me we'll talk in a minute," Y/N reassured Ruby as she turned back to Jack. "As for you-" Only it was then that she realized he had disappeared. "Put Ruby in her room and watch her... I'll be back,"

Y/N sprinted out of the hall knowing fully well that Jack couldn't have gotten far. She placed her hand near her belt where her gun lay knowing fully well that she might have to take down Jack. He could be crazy just like Ruby said... Or it could all be blood loss and we're just judging someone without getting to know them.

"How the hell did you get so far Jack," She searched endlessly, turning around in every direction , not seeing him in any of the forests or the creek... Or anywhere for that matter.

Then he must be hiding... She thought glancing around for anywhere nearby that could be a nice place to hide. Then she found it. One of their cabins, of course, the closest one to the hall he has to be in there.

However, when she walked in he was nowhere to be seen. "Son of a bitch where are you?" She questioned running a hand down her face. "I can't let one person cause this chaos to my camp," Now Y/N was even more determined to find him and put an end to this madness.

Her hand stayed positioned on her gun ready to pull it out at any second... Seeing someone move in the car parked by the creek. Her prized position car, one in which she hadn't moved since the apocalypse.

Suddenly she was by the passenger car door flinging it open. "What the hell are you doing here?" It was then that she felt her heart crash to the ground at the sight of him sobbing his knees up to his chest so that his face lay buried into them.

"I'm not evil," He repeated through sobs. "I'm not evil... I'm not an angel anymore,"

"Jack?" She questioned placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright,"

"Y/N I'm telling the truth my fathers are monster hunters and Ruby she is a demon... Well at least I don't think she is anymore and I'm not evil I'm just... I'm just..." Suddenly he burst into sobs unable to control himself as Y/N out of instinct pulled him into his arms thinking of Jack as her little sister hating to see someone this distraught.

"What the hell am I supposed to do without them? I can't... I can't deal with all of these emotions, how do people do it?" He sobbed endlessly into his knees. "I'm not evil... I'm good,"

"I know it can be hard to deal with some of these emotions but I know you can do it, Jack," She reassured her hand gliding over his shoulder in a soothing motion.

"You don't think I'm crazy? Everyone thinks I'm crazy,"

"Well, I'm not everyone... You're just sad about your fathers but hey I'm sure they are fine somewhere and one day you'll find them,"

"Really?" Jack questioned the hope beaming in his eyes.

"Of course," Y/N smiled. "Besides this isn't the first time we've suspected something might be off about Ruby... Like she's holding something from us,"

"And you believe me?" He questioned glancing up at Y/N.

"Well you haven't done anything to break my trust just yet," She reassured. "Ruby has snuck things... Said some things- Her trust has been weary but don't worry we'll get to the bottom of it,"

"If she's not a demon anymore then she still knows how to stop the virus... She must have taken over her vessel!" Jack exclaimed, jumping up from her seat.

"Woah Jack you need to calm down before you and Ruby talk again... Maybe a night's rest or something," Y/N tried to reassure though Jack wasn't having any of it.

"My father remembers he was gay for my other father and she still tried to force herself on him because he didn't know any better- That was when he was an angel and didn't know hi feelings all Ruby does is use people.... She forced my other father who's human into becoming a demon by drinking her blood-"

"Jack I think you've had a lot to drink," Y/N mumbled stepping out of the car. "I think it's better if I show you to your room and things will better by morning,"

"Can I sleep here?" He questioned leaning his head against the seat, eyes barely a crack open as his face portrayed that he was totally out of it.

"Yeah, of course, are you sure?"

"Yes... I'm just really tired-" He didn't even finish his sentence before closing his eyes and drifting into sleep, Y/N giggled, turning around and walking back toward the food hall.

Only to run into Thorn. "Is Ruby alright?" She questioned me.

"Yeah... Is Jack alright?"


"That's good so Y/N I was thinking..."

"Oh no nothing ever is good out of you thinking," She laughed walking up the steps of her cabin. "I really need a shower is it important?"

"Yeah, listen I was thinking that," Suddenly through the dim light of the sunsetting she was pinned up against the wall by him, his face inches from her arms wrapped around her firmly. "I was thinking that I could kiss you,"

"Yeah... Yeah-" Suddenly she was cut off by his rough lips meeting hers and after minutes as they pulled away he softly whispered.

"Maybe I could join you with that shower of yours," 

SMOL BEAN JACK (Jack Kline X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now