Namjoon - D.I.D Pt. 1

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"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" Said Namjoon in a small voice.
The girl huffed.
"Fine. I forgive— uh oh"
She hid behind Namjoon.
"What's going on—" He began, but she cut him off and smacked him.
"Be a good boy and stand still! My ex is there"

Namjoon did as he was told, not wanting to suffer another smack.
Her so called 'ex' somehow saw her, and smirked mischievously.

".. Ok plan B"
The girl linked hers and Namjoon' arms together.
"Act like I'm your girlfriend. My name is Cha Jiwon" said the girl.
"What if I don't want to?" Whined Namjoon.

Jiwon squeezed his arm and he whimpered.
"Just for a while! What's your name?"
"Kim Namjoon—"
"There you are, Babe"

Namjoon looked up and saw the guy.
Jiwon scoffed.
"Don't call me that" She said.
The guy chuckled.
"Why not?" He said.
"Because she said not to" Namjoon said in an obvious way.

The guy looked at Namjoon.
"Excuse you?" He said, "Why are you getting involved in my relationship?"
"Sad to say, but I'm kind of with her now so" Sneered Namjoon.

The guy growled, not amused at all.
Suddenly, the guy stiffened.
"That coat..." He said, pointing to Namjoon's coat.
Namjoon froze.

"What about it?" He said nervously.
"That's my coat! Wait! You're the guy that stole it! You bastard!" The guy exclaimed.
Jiwon looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon chuckled nervously, and ran.
The guy ran after him and pulled him back by the hood.
Namjoon hit the ground, his head hitting off the floor.

He was hit with a sudden headache.
He quickly got up and got himself lost in the crowd on purpose, clutching at his head.
He stumbled to the bathroom, locking himself in one of the stalls.
He fell, clutching at the seat, gasping for air.

The headache blinded him.

Come on.. Let me out.. I can take care of him... Let me handle the pain..

Namjoon screamed out in pain, clutching his head.
Then, he went stiff and silent.
His eyes snapped open again.

His eyes were now a very dark brown, a hint of evil in them.
He got up slowly.

This was Jeongsin now.
He slammed the door open, making a guy jump.
"Jeez— dude calm yourself!" he exclaimed
Jeongsin cast a dark gaze at the guy.
"Have a problem?" He said.

"Obviously I have a problem! You're just slamming doors like you own the place and giving me a heartattack! Bastard.." He muttered.
Jeongsin looked him up and down.

"And who do you think you are insulting me, hm?" Said Jeongsin.
Jeongsin looked at the clothes the guy was wearing.
He smirked.
. A few minutes later.

Jeongsin walked out the restroom, wearing the new black ripped jeans with a chain hanging off their side.
He was still wearing the army coat.
He had eyeliner on now, diamond earrings on and a piercing over his eyebrow.

"This is my look" He said, fixing up his jacket.
He went downstairs.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, the guy was shaking.
He had just been beaten up and robbed from his clothes.
He shakily took out his phone and called someone.

"A-Andrew? Y-Yeah... P-Please... Come and help me.."

Jin had realised Namjoon was missing.
"Guys, where did Namjoon go?" He said.
Yoongi looked around and shrugged.
"No clue. He's somewhere, though"
Jin scoffed and moved his wine cup around gently, watching the wine inside it sloshing around at the edges.

Suddenly, there were shouts outside.
The 6 members of BTS looked up and decided to go check out what was wrong.

They managed to squeeze through the crowd and what they saw nearly made them faint.

There was Namjoon, or, as we should say, Jeongsin in the middle of a circle that was made up of men in black.
"Give the clothes back" Said one of the men.
Jiwon had also managed to squeeze through and she gasped when she saw Jeongsin.

"No. N-O spells no. Or do I have to shove that down into your brain so you remember?" Said Jeongsin, a low growl in his tone.
One of the men picked up a metal pipe and moved towards Jeongsin.

"No! Don't!" Shouted Both the 6 members of BTS and Jiwon.
The guy brought the pipe down onto Jeongsin, who just caught it before it hit him straight in the face.

He twisted it so he was holding the pipe and threw it back at the man who was thrown back against the wall.
The others moved in.

A guy aimed his fist at Jeongsin who just punched him straight in the stomach, making him topple back.
One of the men slashed a knife across Jeongsin's cheek.

Blood splattered the ground.

Jeongsin touched his cheek, looking at the blood.
He looked up at the guy that cut him.
"You want to die that bad?"

He grabbed the knife but the guy held it.
Jeongsin's hand started bleeding, but he snatched the knife of him, grab the man's neck and stabbed him straight in the stomach.

The man fell forward and shuddered.
"Namjoon hyung! Stop! No!" Said Jimin rushing forward.
"Jimin!" Shouted Jin after him, trying to stop him.

All the men were now on the ground, beaten up terribly.
Jimin ran to him and embraced him.
Jeongsin stumbled back slightly, confused.
But then he saw Jimin.

"Let go" He said.
Jimin just held onto him tightly.
Jeongsin pushed him away and looked in the direction of Jiwon.

Jiwon stiffened, but then sneaked away.
He was about to go after her when he heard Jimins voice:

He felt a slam to his head, making him stumble forwards.
He touched the back of his neck and saw that his hand was covered in dark blood.
He turned around and grabbed the metal pipe off the man.

He slammed it down onto him, the man falling down, going still.
He dropped the pipe.

Jeongsin left to follow Jiwon, in the dead of the night.
Was it safe?
Definetly not.
Was it even safer when he was in a different personality, not conscious of his actions?

Even worse

BTS sickfics/hurtficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora