Are you proud of me?

Start from the beginning

At 15 Peter was sure he was broken. The other Avengers had noticed this, they noticed how hard Peter tried to see his father-figure proud... but Tony was too invested with his lab work, not bothering to see what he had accomplished. They noticed when they supported and gave praise to Peter he gave a small smile and a small 'thanks' before whisking away to his room.

At dinner they noticed Peter never smiled much or talked, when he was talked to they saw he mustered up a smile.

Each day Peter started to break apart, caught up on the fact he couldn't make his family happy. Words and voices starting going through his head swirling him in a drowning sea of emptiness.

Your father wasn't proud of you, maybe your mother didn't really care that you achieved something great but she smiled anyways.

Your Uncle Ben must have disliked you talking about your awards and that's why he died.

Maybe Aunt May had been faking about everything no wonder she stopped and dismissed you.

Now look at Tony. Tony doesn't do the effort to see how much you've done, he doesn't care. give up. What about the Avengers? maybe they don't care either but congratulate you so you have fake hope.

You can't make anyone proud Peter.

Just listen.


Peter didn't get to cry that night, Tony said dismissive words to him again, like orders Peter followed... and he did.

Tony never knew what was going on around Peter.

Soon enough, Peter never came to the lab.

And when the final fight came around, the end-game? It all came crashing down to Tony... Thanos was going to win once again, the many chances they had... they had turned down to zero.

The familiar words coming out of his mouth: "I am inevitable..." The hardwork and their effort they put in came up to this moment. But when he snapped nothing came, Tony eyed the gauntlet and noticed the stones were gone. Tony saw Peter kneeling on the ground.

A small familiar glow from the boy's knuckles showing the stones.

And that made Tony regret everything.

He saw the boy stare at him: "I listened. I hope I make you proud..." He then stared at Thanos in determination, His eyes sparking. "And I? I.. am... Spiderman." 

A snap was heard as it echoed through the plains, Tony screamed out a 'wait!' but it was too late. The white screen covered over everything, blinding them... The army started to disappear to dust, and so did Thanos. The person who snapped? he got flung back to the piece of rubble on the side, his arm destroyed.

"Did we win?..." He asked breathlessly trying to keep it alive, however he could feel his body breaking apart, screaming at him but he could do nothing to prevent it.

The man infront of him with wrecked armour nodded, tears in his eyes holding the cold palm of Peter's onto his cheek, no warmth emitting it... "Yeah, yes we won Underoos..." The bot gave a slight smile at the billionaire before saying:

"I hope I made you proud Mr Stark." He smiled at his mentor, looking at him in the eyes. "I listened to you..."

"Yeah you made me proud Pete.."

Peter furrowed at that and never believed him, only now he would be proud of him and that must have been fake.

"I listened but I know you aren't proud...I tried" His voice started fading and he started paling.

"I failed you Mr Stark.. I'm sorry."

At those words Peter took his last breath and died that time... no one could bring him back.

Tony screamed in sorrow and regret at this, he was the cause... Peter tried to make him proud, he listened to him... but Tony never even acknowledged him. It was too late now, he can't take him back...

When they returned? A video was played out, a message relayed... after his funeral, the reveal to the world.

"Uhm... hi everyone. If you get this message it means i'm not here anymore and that I couldn't make it and that I probably fixed it... I hope I made you guys proud!

Just know that you shouldn't be sad about me, or cry... just smile I saved you alright?

If the world knows about me then I wouldn't mind, would you be proud of me then? that I helped everyone? would Mr Stark finally be happy? I may be selfish but...

But remember that I..

I love you 3000."

He knew about Morgan and that she may be watching this, he knew before Mr Stark...

Tony felt heartbroken at the message and he began to cry, he never knew this was how the kid felt, he never noticed... he wished he could make up for it over and over.

And after that message? well... Tony went to Peter's room which was filled with awards and achievements, memories flooding his head as he touched the trophies and certificates. Remembering each and every time Peter had that smile on his face when he talked about it.

But what caught his eye the most was a diary open on his desk.

It read different memories but after all of them he noticed the same question:

"Would Mr Stark be proud of me?"

or another, a statement.

"I hope Mr Stark will be proud!"

Looking through these with teary eyes and a soft saddened smile he croaked out as he sat on the bed:

"Yeah kid... I'm really proud of you, so is Morgan."

Peter didn't know he finally made his father proud, and that everyone was proud of him that day. Along with sadness but they smiled through and missed the boy thoroughly knowing they lost a hero, a brother, a friend, a classmate, a kid, and more personally... a son. his son.

Everyone remembered that day and treasured it, Peter achieved something great. He made everyone appreciate each other.

And he was still loved even though he was on the otherside.


/Did I make you cry? Or at least a little sad? well I definitely cried when I wrote this./

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