Chapter 7: Let The Agreement Begin

Start from the beginning


"How's your day so far?" Logan asked me as we trotted to biology. I somehow was able to get rid of Ryan for a few minutes. "Can we just talk about other stuff? Please?"

He nodded. "The guys asked about you." I looked up at him. I groaned. He continued. "They are obviously not buying it. That you are okay I mean." I groaned again. "You are sure you don't want to tell them?" I nodded. "Positive."

"Are there any good news?" I asked, hope clear in my voice. He smiled and nodded. "Besides Ryan and other stuff going on, you are different today." I was lightly confused. I frowned. "Different?" He nodded. "Yeah. Happier I think." I raised a brow. "Okay? You sure about that?" He nodded once again.

"So tell me. What is it?" He beamed at me. I shrugged. "I don't really know what you are talking about." It was the truth. I wasn't feeling different. Nor happier.

"Oh come on." He nudged me with his elbow. "Is this about a guy? Have you met someone?" I immediately had to think of Sam. He was nice, but also a bit naive. I mean come on are you borrowing your jacket someone who you just met 2 minutes ago? "Uh. Is this about that guy you met during the game?"

"Sam?" he nodded. "Logan I don't know what you are talking about. Yes I met him, but only once. I mean yeah he was nice and all, but you know me I'm not a relationship type I'm more the friendship type." He gave me a weird look.

"Exactly, because you didn't try it yet. I think you should give it a chance."


"No. Liz look," he came to a stop. I mirrored his actions and faced him. "Relationships make people happy, okay? Just look at your sister and Nathan. Don't you see how happy they are?" Tori wasn't that happy before she met Nathan, but...

We continued to walk and, short afterwards entered the classroom. I guess it was less than a minute until the bell would ring, as we trotted to our seats.

"I do. Of course I do, but-" I was cut off as the bell rang and "A period full of fun." as our young teacher, Ms. Thompson always said, began. My view turned to the window as the teacher began to talk.


Yeah I know that everyone is happier in one, but what about all the drama, the vulnerability, the heartbreak. I don't want to go through the pain just to be happy.

You tell them you love 'em and open up and then they are going to step on your heart and break it into millions of pieces.

Though of course I was never in love so these accusations were through second hand or whatever you call reading novels and watching tv. But I doubted that it would be worth it.

I mean yeah there is the chance that you are going to be happy, but is it worth the pain?


"Hey guys." I waved awkwardly at them as I approached them at our lunch table.

"Hey Liz." Liam was the first one to speak up. I smiled at him. After Liam spoke up the others also acknowledged me. After we all greeted each other a weird silence fell over us. I bit my lip. I knew they all wanted to ask me about Friday. And I understood their behavior, seeing as they never saw me in this state before and then just panicked like that. After a few minutes of silence I couldn't handle it anymore. "Ask."

They all looked up at me. Although I knew exactly what they wanted to know I waited. After a few moments someone spoke up again. "What was that at the party? What was wrong?" Jack had the courage to ask me. I smiled and glanced at Logan for a second. "I'm sorry guys. I probably scared you. But it was nothing really I was just a bit drunk."

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