Chapter 35

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It was difficult for her to keep ignoring them. Practically, she was with them all throughout her days but still Sonia tried to stay as far away from the squad as possible.

Sonia and Ian settled down in their seats in Literature class. Taking out her books, Sonia began going through her notes. It was an acceptable way to avoid any conversation as they had their class tests that week.

It had been three days. Three days since Ian had last talked to her in the woods. Ian looked at her, head bent over her books, eyes rapidly moving to and fro. A lock of her hair came free and hindered his view of her. Irritated, he was about to tuck it back behind her ear, when she did it herself, continuing to look down in her notes.

She's really reading, not ignoring me, he nodded in agreement to the thought and took out his own books.

He had promised her he would give her space and he very well intended to keep his word. Sighing softly, Ian got back to the lesson he had started, mumbling the words quietly to himself.

The lecture ended pretty fast. Ian stuffed his books in his bags and huffed as he swung it over his shoulder before walking to the door. He decided it was better to not hover over her while she got her things together.

He walked through the hallway and reached the front doors of the building before deciding to wait for Sonia. He didn't have to wait for long as she came rushing through the doors after Gage and others.

Ian gestured to Gage, motioning him to join his side. Quickly, Gage manoeuvred his way over to Ian as they walked down the path to the parking lot. Gage looked at Ian and taking in the wicked gleam in his eyes, understood his plan. Gage smiled, and nodded slightly.

As they were at the front of the group, walking a few paces ahead of the others, both stopped in their tracks and turned around pacing index finger on their left ear as if listening through an earpiece. 

The others halted at their abrupt stop and Jake was the first to mimic their actions, his eyes wide as he let out a breath of relief.

"Not again!" Dim groaned before he too put his finger on his ear.

Together, they all turned their heads to look at Emm who was walking with Sonia, both engrossed in their conversation. As he reached them, he jerked to a stop, his eyes widening slightly before he scrambled to put his finger on his ear. Ian grinned hugely, looking at a confused Sonia.

"Miss President!" He exclaimed loudly, startling her, "Get down!"

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than they all tackled Sonia down to the ground. She let out a yelp as she fell backwards. Her fall, however cushioned by the boys. They all hit the ground with a loud thud gaining attention of the other students. Many of them laughing as they knew well about the said prank.

Sonia had her eyes shut, feeling two pairs of arms wrapped around her waist, protecting her from the fall. She opened her eyes to see Jake on one side and Ian on other, Dim beside Ian cupping her head while Gage was across her legs and Emmett was latched onto her right arm.

A moment or two passed before they all pulled away from her and sat back surrounding her. Sonia laid as she was, her eyes wide, her heart still racing, trying to cope with the attack. She jolted again as Gage started laughing, others following him, unable to hold it anymore.

"So-sorry," Jake managed as he pulled her up to sit beside him, "It's just a game we play sometimes. The last person to put his or her finger on their ear gets tackled by others. It's called Protecting the President. The others with fingers to ears become President's guards," he explained.

  Sonia listened to him, her mouth agape. She looked over at others before shaking her head, disbelief clear in her eyes.

  "You guys are totally out of your minds," she mumbled as she collected her fallen notes. Getting up, she dusted her clothes and stomped away on the direction of their car, unable to keep a light smile from gracing her features.

"You made her smile," Gage commented as he got up and extended his hand to Ian.

Ian shrugged as he took hold of the hand and pulled himself up, "I said I would, didn't I?" He swung an arm over Gage's shoulder, Jake still chuckling from behind them as they all walked after Sonia.

Sonia hummed as she chopped the vegetables for dinner, when the kitchen door slammed open. Jumping, she turned around to see Ian and Gage enter in the house, their arms holding boxes of pizza, instantly the warm scent filling the room.

"We brought dinner," Gage announced, putting the boxes on the table.

Sonia let out a breath, lowering her hand holding the knife, "I was on it," she gestured to the preparations.

Gage looked at the vegetables on the chopper and waved them away with a flick of his wrist, "Put it in fridge or something. Today and tomorrow are your days off. You won't be doing any cooking or cleaning."

Sonia merely shook her head as she put the vegetables in an airtight container before turning around and placing it in the fridge, "Why this chivalry all of a sudden?" She asked closing the door.

"'coz everybody needs a break once in a while," Ian answered making her turn towards him as she gathered the knife and cutting board.

She sighed in response and rinsed away the utensils quickly before drying her hands on the dish towel, "Fine. Call out once others get here," she said, walking to the half doors leading out of the kitchen.

"Are you never gonna forgive me?" Ian asked taking an involuntary step after her.

"Not now, Ian!" Gage placed his hand on Ian's shoulder.

Ian looked at Gage and shook his head, "I really am sorry," he turned back to look at Sonia who had her eyes on the floor, "You know me. You know I always mess up. That's why Mom keeps scolding me," he tried to hold back the sparkle in his chest when she looked up, a faint smile on her lips from his words, "But you also know I can't help it. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Sonia shook her head but he didn’t stop. Instead he took another step near her and took hold of her hands, "You know I can never hurt you. It's just that-," Ian looked down at their hands, her's were so small in his large ones, "- that I am afraid." He finished in a hushed tone.

"Why?" She whispered and he shrugged.

"Afraid that I will get used to you being around and before long, you will leave. Afraid that you won't be around here one day. Afraid that I, we, won't be the same without you," he shook his head still looking down.

Sonia sighed before squeezing his fingers, "You do know you are an idiot, right?"

He looked up to see amusement sparkling in her eyes, "I can't answer that."

Sonia pulled her hands away, "Yes, you are. And I think by now, I am used to your Irish temper and your shenanigans."

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Us?" Ian and Sonia, both turned to look at Gage standing there, shuffling his feet, "Forgive us," he mumbled.

Sonia chuckled, "Only if you guys promise to get my bike lessons done. You seem to always prolong it to another time."

Ian could feel his lips curving into a huge smile as he bobbed his head up and down, "You will be riding it freely in a week. We will start from tomorrow itself. Be ready at 6 a.m. Dot!"

Sonia smiled, "Get some drinks too. It's movie night."

Ian turned to Gage as she left. They looked at each other for a moment, then,

"Iron man!" They shouted together.

As it was, they ended up watching as many Marvel movies as possible throughout the night. The next day, being Saturday, Ian took Sonia for her riding lessons late in the afternoon as they all had slept in late, sprawled in the living room.

As Ian leaned back, letting her drive the bike on her own, he was sure she would be riding the thing completely fine in no time.

Sunday came in bringing in the elders from their vacation. Everyone gathered at Gage's house, deciding to spend the day there. The men lit up the barbeque and the evening turned into a celebration of sorts.

Gage watched as Ian laughed with Sonia across the back lawn. Jake came over to stand beside him as he leaned against the porch rail. Jake handed Gage a glass before taking a gulp of his drink.

"He's changed," Gage commented, jerking his chin in the direction of Ian.

Jake followed his eyes and nodded, "Haven't we all?"

"I just hope that the day never comes when she has to leave us," Gage sighed, looking at both Ian and Sonia as the sun rays filtering from the tree branches cast them in a golden hollow, "I feel as if she was meant to come into our lives."

Jake nodded again, mumbling a quiet, "Me too," as they stood there watching her quietly before grudgingly walking away to help others.

Hello guys,
Up with another update. Three updates in a month!! Woohoo!!🥳🥳 Will try to update the next one pretty soon.

Love y'all. Happy reading.
Keep voting, commenting and sharing.

Till we meet again:)

P.s Please ignore any typos. I'm in train right now while updating. 😅

HER QUEST-Magic In The BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora