Chapter 24

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 "What?" Sonia and Ian both shot up at the same time.

  Caroline just nodded her head in answer.



Again, they both spoke together causing a smile to break on Caroline's face.

  "You two are fun to watch," she commented leaning back in her chair.

  Ian and Sonia looked at each other with scowls. Sonia turned her eyes away from the intense gaze of the blue orbs.

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she asked, "What do you mean by magic in my blood?"

Caroline sighed but didn't answer.

"Hey! Wait!" Ian leaned forward in his seat, "This is another one of your jokes, right?"

  Caroline chuckled and they both relaxed.

"Seriously Mom?" Ian threw up his hands and his eyes flitted to Sonia as she let out a breath.

"You got me there, Aunt Carol," she smiled.

  Caroline shrugged, "You were so wound up. I just wanted you to let loose and also to make up for this morning," Sonia opened her mouth, about to say it was nothing but Caroline continued, "And, as to how you brought that plant back to life? Well, it's just that you added right mixture of fertilizer at the right time of the day. The plant just revived under your care. Plants, like us, need love too."

  "Oh," Sonia frowned as she thought over it then smiled as she let the matter drop, "So what now?"

  "I am done here. You were upset this morning so I had this urge to see you, but it was impossible to leave shop. Both my workers took the day off and the delivery of some orders are due in a little bit," she glanced down at her elegant wrist watch, "You two head back home now. You must be tired," she got up and opened a cabinet.

  Taking out a box, she handed it to Sonia, "And I got some cheesecake from Old Martha down the block, for your snacks."

  "Wow!" Ian jumped up and snatched the box away from Sonia. Before he could open the box, Caroline took it back from him.

  "For snacks, Ian! After you get home," she handed it back to Sonia.

  Sonia looked up at Ian's pouting face eyeing the box and giggled, "Let's go then. We can't wait to get home, right?"

  Ian looked at her and then grabbed her hand in one and both their bags in his other hand, "Bye Mom," he called out as he hurriedly dragged Sonia with him.

"Ian, can we walk?" Sonia huffed.

"We are."

"No. We are running!" She complained.

Ian slowed down to a steady pace and Sonia dug her heels in the ground coming to a stop. It made Ian stop abruptly as he was still holding her hand.

"What?" He asked, annoyance coating his words, "You can't walk? Want me to carry you?"

"I was out of breath," she mumbled as she fought to hide her heavy breathing.

"You know, you should exercise a bit," he sneered down at her.

"And you should walk like a human, not sprint like a wolf," she shot back.

Ian stiffened at her words, "You are too slow," he said looking over her shoulder.

Sonia's eyebrows shot up in unison, "Here," she pushed the box at him. Ian stumbled back, managing to catch the box while holding onto the bags.

"Just go. Stuff it. I can't run with you. You have it, I will come at my own pace," she turned around, "Can you let go of my hand now?"

"No," he muttered.

Sonia's brows knitted in confusion, "What do you mean by no?"

"The last time I let you get away, you got lost in the forest and fainted," he took in a deep breath and looked straight into her eyes, "I am not letting go of you. Ever."

Almost instantly, all anger washed away from her face as she spoke softly, "Ian. Relax. I am not going to run away from you," she sighed as his grip tightened, "Okay. But no sprinting."

A smile broke on Ian's face and he nodded his head, "No sprinting."

Sonia's lips curved as she started to walk. Ian fell in step with her. A few moments of walking in comfortable silence later, Ian spoke up.

  "So, umm, about that bracelet comment. I am sorry."

"Oh. You don't have to be. It was my fault. I lost it, not you," she shrugged her shoulder delicately.

Ian nodded his head. He was still curious as to who had given her that thing. He opened his mouth but shut it back again, not knowing how to ask.

  "Hey. Is that a library?" Sonia asked all of a sudden, pointing to a brick building across the lane.

  "Yeah, it is," Ian replied, still in his thoughts.

  "Then what are you waiting for? Come on!" Sonia pulled him towards the building.

  Ian groaned as he let her.

Sonia walked through the last row, a big goofy smile covering her face. Ian watched as she pulled out yet another book. She already had four big fat books cradled in the crook of her elbow. Ian sighed as he got up from the chair by the window to take matters in his hands.

"Let me carry them for you," he offered.

"No. Thank You," Ian let out another breath as she spared him just a glance.

"Your coffee's cold, Sonia," he grabbed her hand before she could pick out another book.

"I told you not to order for me," her eyes darted, running over the other books in the shelf.

"You do know Dad has a huge collection of books back home, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do."

"And also that you are a member of this library now and that you can hole up here anytime and read anything you want?"

"I know that too, Ian," she crouched down to look at the lower racks.

"And do you happen to know what time is it?"

  "No. But I do know you will enlighten me."

  "Sonia!" Ian raked a hand through his hair, "It is late and... and," he trailed off.

  Finally she looked up at him, "And?"

  A growl sounded from his stomach and Ian's face went red, "And I am hungry," he stated, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  Sonia's eyes widened in realisation. She got up quickly, "Oh my God. I am really sorry, Ian. I forgot. Let's - Just give me a minute please," she fumbled and rushed to the librarian.

As promised, she was out in a minute, trying to put on her bag while holding the books.

"Let me take them," Ian offered and took the books from her.

  "I will get a cab," she mumbled and got off again.

  Ian let out a breath as he tried to control the laughter. He had to admit the girl was really sweet.

Just within moments, a cab pulled up in front of him and Sonia peeked from within, "Get on in."

Ian pulled up a frown and did as he was told. This is fun, he thought and tried to keep the smile away.

They got home and Sonia was drowned in worry. Ian was really pissed off at her.

  Oh, why wouldn't he be? A voice mocked her, you were busy drooling over your books when he sat there starving.

  She winced at the truth and watched as Ian walked up the stairs.

  I will have to make it up to him, she thought and nodding, headed straight towards her goal.

Ian dropped his bag on the bed and placed Sonia's books besides it. Deciding to take a shower, he got his towel from the closet.

HER QUEST-Magic In The BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora