But the Hokage didn't see it to be pleasing.


"Makes em more quick." She added, making sure to get every spot on the kunai.

She blew a strand of hair out of her face as she glanced up, making eye contact with an ANBU. It was hard to tell with the mask, but she knew they were trying to stare straight into her soul.

Good luck on that, I gave it away to Jashin-sama.

She snorted then returned to what she was doing.


The screech sounding like nails on a chalkboard. It made the Hokage grimace as he stared at the weapon.

"And more deadly." He spoke up, watching as the girl looked at him and smirked.

"Yeah. You get it, gramps."

He grunted in reply. "Tell me about yourself."

The girl knew what he wanted. Information, it was pretty obvious. But she wasn't gonna make it easy for him.

Acting as if she didn't know what he was playing at, she asked, "Why do you want to know? It's not like I'm gonna live here."

He smiles a bit. "How about we make a deal?"

She rose a brow, liking where this was going. "I'm listening."

"You may live here with your own apartment. I'll pay you a sum of money for the first few months to make sure you're nice and comfortable. One condition is you will go to the ninja academy."

"There's gotta be more of a catch than that." She narrowed her eyes before smiling carelessly. "Don't take me for a fool, gramps."

It was a little late for that, of course.

He nodded his head at her suspicions. "Yes, there is more. For all of this to happen, you can not do any of the following things; You cannot give any information from the leaf; you cannot betray the Leaf village; you cannot kill or severely injure another Leaf member; and you cannot lead any certain doom to the Leaf village."

He narrows his eyes into a glare. "Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded her head, stroking her imaginary beard. "Like, totally clear, bro."

"You must also properly answer three questions per week. Personal questions will be asked. I will be the only one you tell your answers to unless I say otherwise."

The girl noticed how he shifted in his chair. She hummed. "What else is there, old man?"

As one of the guards who brought her here were about to scold her for disrespecting the hokage, Hiruzen shook his head in his direction.

The guard backed down, but proceeded to scowl at the girl. She noticed and smirked.

"If you do not cooperate and take this deal, I am afraid I must take drastic measures and force the information out of you. You are an unknown, and while you pose as a child, you could be something much worse." The Hokage stated before his voice got deeper.

"I will not allow any harm to come to the people of the Leaf Village. All threats will be taken care of properly. You're suspicious enough as is, wandering near Konoha's border, murdering people-"

"Again, they were rapists." Sid remarked. The shinobi in the room couldn't believe the audacity she had to interrupt their hokage.

"You're lucky for that, because otherwise, problems would have arised. Do you agree to the terms and conditions I have listed?"

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