Chapter 4| Complains & Content (شکوے اور شکر)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"You sure? Kyoun kay mujhe aisa nahi lagta!" Nehad corrected him.

"Nehad?" He raised his brow, seriously this time.
"What are you trying to tell me? Mein uss se muhabbat nahi krta baat khatam. Wese bhi Alina kay lye mein theik choice nai hun."
Hakan was not the one to intrigue easily but something just hit him out of the way.

"What do think Hakan tu kis kay lye theik choice hai?"

Hakan understood what he tried to hint and before it turned into some argument, he left in a haste.


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"Mujhe lgta hai I need a psychatrist!" Sarrinah was sitting at the edge of her bed, her head lowered in her hands.

"You need a listener. Take it out!" Adeel sat beside her, caressing her shoulder.

"Adeel, it's frustrating. I don't understand what I want? I am not finding peace. I am ambitious. I want to do FCPS but not before getting a decent job. Then I think forget about it, let's try for CSS. But then on other hand I think, let's forget about everything in Pakistan and apply for foreign university. What even ? What the hell do I want? Moreover, this home sitting is doing nothing good to me. You go to your bussiness and work. Affifa joined hospital too. Ammi's condition makes me more helplessess. I am unable to do anything for her! She is suffering too and I....."

Sarrinah felt teary.

"Hey baby sister. Just breathe for a second! How can you just blame yourself for mom's condition? First answer me this?"

"If I would be.........ammi bhi toh ajeeb baatein karti hain yar. mujhe unki samajh nai aati ya shayd mein unhey samjha nai paati."She had no words. Adeel knew that she was frustrated.

"Raina! You are blaming yourself for everything. You cannot play the role of every relation. The relation that hurt her is not yours. You know that very well. Secondly, Damn you are a doctor Man! How can you just underestimate yourself just because you do not find a good job. That's luck. You are doingan effort at'least. May be fate has something beautiful for you in store!"

"Adeel I Can't wait for stores all my life. I need to stand myself up. I hate this vulnerabiltity and dependency of mine." She exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

"You just need to relax Raina. That's all you need. Things happen on their time. You don't need a foreign university to escape the sadness that engulfs you because it won't leave you there even. You don't need to prove your worth just by holding a badge of CSS. You are a gifted doctor. Do things that you love to do, that you are best at. Take one step at time. Eventually, the road will lead you to where you were supposed to be. Alright?" Adeel tried his best to make her understand and it did soothe her , a bit.

"Do you know that whenever I click something motivational to enlighten my sadness, Surah Rahman & Surah Nahal are recommended. I never got to know why but now I do."

RANJISH HI SAHI [𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ