9. [Mild]

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He'd effectively stopped in the middle of listing their orders and shot a quick glare around the table. Originally his eyes landed on Ambrose but as the man was busy thumb wrestling Myron leaning and over Lúa, his eyes went a bit wide before he just shook his head.

"Bad Girl"


The moment the waitress scurried away from the table Emil's hand shot down and grabbed Lua's ankle, she gave a low yelp sliding a bit down her booth seat. She felt a large hand slide her foot up his leg quite close to his- ahem- privates. And she could see the curiosity and challenge in his eyes, watching her every reaction.

She thought about accepting but felt like it was betraying the other two men at the table. Until a horribly covered up laugh broke their staring match and she saw Aleksei smiling behind a fist at her, eyes knowing.

And that was all it took for her to push her foot up and onto the growing bulge of Emil's pants, she made slow circular motions that had the man squeezing her ankle in praise. The two were immersed they barely heard the clearing of Aleksei's throat as he nodded his head toward the totally red face waitress currently stacking the table with steaming hot plates.

Lúa didn't even have the decency to blush, just slowly drug her feet back down Emil's leg and slid it back into her heal before digging into her cheese burger.

Lúa eyes grazed adoringly at the teen sprawled out in the 3rd row of the truck in a food coma.
While she sat in the second row, Ambrose head in her lap- him also being in a food coma.

"Don't think your off the hook little girl" she heard Emil say calmly from the Drivers seat, their eyes connecting through the mirror.

She just gave a small shrug, "I have no idea what your talking about."

Dragging two peoples worth of deadweight was impossible to Lúa, luckily Emil and Aleksei didn't find it a problem slinging the two brothers like empty grocery bags.

She was about to ask why they sat the two on the couch instead of a bed or something but Aleksei was already steering her toward a love seat by her shoulders, fingers messaging any doubt away expertly. "We always have a movie night since it's the one day we won't be working"

She nodded curling up on the seat and surprisingly didn't budge when he sat with her taking her feet into his lap. The things he can do with his fingers is just sinful.

A few minutes into the movie Emil came out with the kitchen draped in pajama bottoms and a fitted white tee with a buttery bowl of fresh popcorn, and Lúa immediately made grabby hands.

His lip twitched but his facial expression didn't change, "How do you ask?"

Lúa immediately retracted her hands and turned back to the tv, Emil sat down across from her and Aleksei eating the popcorn tauntingly slow.

And when Ambrose woke up sniffing, eyes searching the room for the smell, Lúa gave him. If she didn't ask now there would be none left, not if his eating habits at the restaurant wasn't any reliable source.

She huffed and felt Aleksei hands wind up in her curls rubbing her scalp, "...Can I have some popcorn"

Emil rose a eyebrow, egging her to continue just a bit more.

Her eyes slitted and she was very aware her face was quite obviously the nastiest glare she could muster, "......... please."

She expected to be laughed at but Emil just forwarded the popcorn bowl to her.

And between watching Zombie Land: Double Tap and smacking Ambrose's hand away ever time he tried to feed her popcorn, Lúa couldn't even tell herself when just exactly when she'd become so comfortable being with these men.

Work or not no women in her right mind would agree to babysit a kid and work from a house with three full grown adults, most would have already been put off by the fact their all together. Then there's Lúa, stealing sun glasses and being hand fed grapes on private jets LOL
I love my characters so dearly - Angel

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