I Don't Think So PT. 2

Start from the beginning

"You feel safe here?" Kylo nodded, "The good guys always win, right?" Leia smiled, that was something Han always told Kylo when he was growing up. She nodded. "Always."

It had been two years since that day. Now Ben was deeply respected and trusted in the Resistance. He became a better man threw the Resistance and changed his kyber crystal back to his old blue, with this new color he felt comfortable. He then truly represented his grandfather, the man he so heavily worshiped.

This day was a day Ben feared. He saw fighters run around all over, the flash of reflection off of bright metal caught his eye. He looked over in the direction and his heart sank.

Hux, Phasma, and another male stood side by side, with Hux in the middle. He smirked at Ben and walked towards him. "I told you I'd find you. It's been a long time don't you think Kylo?" Ben drew his lightsaber. "That isn't my name." Hux laughed.

"Phasma, go watch the battle, I have some personal business to attend too." Phasma nodded, "Yes Commander Hux." Hux looked over at the younger male. Kylo saw a glint of the old him in his eyes, "And me Commander?" He said, a slight whimper behind his voice. Hux smirked, "This is Kylo Ren."

The boy looked at Ben frustrated, "Wait that's the guy, he's not even cute I can't believe you get off on-"

"That's enough Dean," Hux yelled at the boy, and Dean flinched. This made Ben angry, he knew why he saw the old him in this kid. It was him. Begging for even a sliver of attention from the red head. "I'm here for revenge Armitage."

Hux rolled his eyes, "Sure you are Ren." Ben's face twitched. "You feel regret. You wish you wouldn't have let me go. You wish I was still your little toy... well I feel good now. I won't let you define me. I'm my own fucking man!" Hux stomped his foot, "Get him, Dean." The boy smirked and charged Ben.

Ben skillfully lead Dean away from ear reach of Hux. "He's having sex with you isn't he?" Dean smiled, "Perhaps." Ben cocked his head. "It hurts, doesn't it? The way he treats you. It makes you want to scream, but you know you can't because he'll hurt you even more, so you cry." Dean stopped fighting, "Get out of my head. Hux told me you'd get in my head."

Ben sighed still swinging at him to put on a show for Hux. "I'm not in your head. Look into mine, I'll play it off." Dean held up his hand and Ben screamed while Hux smirked. Dean saw familiar memories but he could tell they weren't his. They were this man's.

"He did the same thing to you?" Ben nodded, "I was the most powerful Sith, following in my grandfather's footsteps, I risked everything for the dark side. And that man scared the shit out of me, so I left so you can do the same thing. You can stay here." Dean shook his head in panic. "No, I can't leave Hux. All he does is scream your name, I know he imagines it's you when we get intimate, I've looked threw his head. He's bruised and I can't leave him or it'll be someone else. He'll brainwash someone else."

Dean surprised Ben, he was very mature. "That's enough Dean!" Hux said as Dean dropped his saber, "I would like to speak with you, Ben." By old reflex Ben's body moved towards Hux, he didn't want to move but he was. "What Armitage?" Hux smirked. "Snoke has informed me that you miss it. You miss us."

Ben scoffed, "There was never an us. I miss it because you made me want it. You manipulated me." Hux shook his head. "If I remember correctly, you were the one that wanted to be taken over. You craved my attention, so I gave it to you. It's not my fault that it was too much for you."

Ben laughed hysterically "Look what I've have become because of you! A killing, merciless, monster." Hux's eyes shot threw many emotions and landed in carelessness.

"Oh no. Don't you dare blame that on me! Your grandfather's footsteps that you so desperately followed were just stained red! He is the reason you're the killing machine. And don't even mention Snoke. I didn't twist your mind. I have no such power. But he does."

Ben's brows furrowed, "You think- no... he wouldn't..." Hux shook his head and looked down. "It doesn't matter! It doesn't." Ben sighed and walked over to Hux. "If you missed me so much, why didn't you find me earlier?" Hux looked him up and down, "You're hard to find Solo." Ben looked into Hux's eyes, a strange fire being ignited. He took a deep breath and softly kissed Hux.

Hux shivered and hugged him. "Goodbye Solo." "No... you don't have to go... stay here, join us... the good guys always w-" Ben was cut off by a burning sensation in his stomach. Blood rushed up to his throat and spilled out his mouth. He fell to the ground and Hux kicked him over, an actual sad look on his face. "I'm sorry it had to end this way. You were always my favorite. Say hello to your father for me."

A/N: Sorry for my absence, I have a bad case of writers block and I'm sure busy, haven't been on my computer much to write.

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