
        In the end, Midoriya and Yaoyorozou became the officers in charge. Not that you nor your fellow jounin cared; just acknowledged.

        Once the lunch bell rung its sweet anthem of the students' relief and hunger, you and Kakashi did not risk socializing and immediately exited to the school's backyard, under a large tree's cool shades. It's best to avoid confrontations and expected interrogations as much as possible, especially after such a lousy excuse for your tardiness, which you have no one but Kakashi to thank for.

        The truth was: you two overexerted yourselves both physically and mentally within those two days. Naturally, you two overslept...

        Actually, no, you two can easily wake up early as light sleepers. You just chose to be late.

        You never heard the end of it from Mina until you reached the academy. You were wary of the reporters though, hence entering from the back of the facility which made you tardier.

        "You're lucky that you at least considered grocery shopping amidst your useless shopping spree," You remarked with amusement, your self-prepared bento on your lap—ready to be consumed.

        "Not lucky. I intentionally considered your cooking skills and chose to benefit from that. Also, my shopping is not entirely useless if you can use them," Kakashi responded rather cheerily with his famous eye-smile as he somehow instantly devoured his eggplant miso soup without you even seeing him remove his face mask. Of course, you didn't react, as you're already used to his antics.

        Mina, however, can't seem to get over it, even though she already witnessed him eat that way for a few days now.

       '... How does he do it?'

        It's best not to think about it, You merely replied with amusement. Honestly, you don't know either.

        "Tch, am I just a cook to you?" You feigned offense with a small smirk and a raised eyebrow (despite being covered by your sunglasses), as your chopsticks picked up a salmon sashimi, before eating the piece.

        "Maah, don't take it like that. You're my partner too, as I am yours," The former silverette chirped even with the monotone delivery, as he waited for you to finish your meal as he's already done with his, to which he didn't waste time on bringing out his book to wait.

       'Oh, that reminds me to ask! Are you two married?!'

        The sashimi slice didn't last long in your mouth, as it was spat out from your coughing fit—your shades almost falling off.

        "Did she tell you something funny?" Kakashi asked, curious enough to look up from his novel.

        It took a while, but you recovered—your esophagus still irritated by the soy sauce you dipped your food in.

        "Yes, but I'm not telling you." You replied with warm face—the natural pink hue thankfully masking your embarrassment, before you adjusted the tilted sunglasses on your face. The blonde only shrugged before engaging himself back to his perverted novel.

        No, marriage is the last thing we have on our minds, It was the truth. A deep and a serious commitment such as the concept of marriage is a nightmare for a shinobi—especially to a pair.

        Your minds are beyond scarred—you shouldn't add more scars. Marrying a soldier whose head is worth a large bounty would do just that. Losing a spouse would surely ruin Kakashi after what happened to his old Team 7, and it would surely ruin you after the Uchiha massacre.

Same As It Never Was (BNHA/Naruto x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang