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Jungkook and Taehyung finally arrived at Jungkook's house. Jungkook pulled up into the driveway noticing another car "Looks like my parents are home" Jungkook sighed and got out the car locking it

"HEY BITCH!!" Taehyung's muffled voice was heard and started to pound on the car window "oh fuck" Jungkook unlocked the car somehow forgetting Taehyung was in there "Damn you trynna make me sleep in there or what?" Taehyung got out and stretched

"My bad" Jungkook chuckled walking up to his door and opened it. He saw his mom sitting down next to his dad holding hands and crying "Mom? Dad?" Jungkook let Taehyung in and closed the door walking over to them

"What happen? Are you okay?" Jungkook kneed down in front of his mom and Taehyung stood there next to him "Mrs. Jeon is everything alright?" Taehyung asked concern

She shook her head wiping her tears away. Jungkook's dad sighed "Your um your mother's pregnant son"

Jungkook smiled and started to bounce "Really wow! That's amazing! Taehyung can you believe im going to be an older brother? Mom why are you crying this is good!"

"N-no Jungkook you're not..." his mother hiccuped

"Huh? What are you talking about" Taehyung frowned

"Jungkook there's no way were going to take care of the baby" his father said sighing

"Yes there is! I'll take care of it"

"You know nothing about taking care of a child" his mother wiped her tears "that's okay I could learn, Taehyung could help me"

"No no you guys will go off to college next year"

"So? The baby will be one by then, plus you guys could take it to daycare while you guys work"

His father sighed "Jungkook your mother wants an abortion"

Jungkook's and Taehyung's heart dropped "what!? Fuck no! Hell no!" Jungkook shook his head "Jungkook language"

"Look I'm sorry but in my opinion I think it's fucked up that you guys wanted to have sex and then kill the baby! That's on you! You guys made the decision for yourself you guys know the outcome so why fucking do it if you're just gonna kill it... I'm not accepting this no way! If you don't want to take care of it fine! I will I'll drop out of college and get a job I don't care" Jungkook snapped getting up. Taehyung bit his lip and looked at Jungkook

They didn't say anything and sighed. "How long have you been pregnant?" Taehyung asked grabbing Jungkook's hand calming him down "for about a month"

"A month? Mom please for me, please don't kill it please" Jungkook begged "I don't know Jungkook your father and I are still thinking, for now just go upstairs" She said

Jungkook let out a groan and pulled Taehyung upstairs with him "I think it's fucked up" They reached his room and closed the door "like seriously you made the decision to have sex so obviously you have to take the consequences" Jungkook sat on his bed pulling Taehyung with him

"Jungkook I'm sure your parents wouldn't do that, maybe they're not thinking right at the moment" Taehyung leaned on him and yawned "You're probably right they're always talking about having another kid but then at the end they say no cause no one will take care of it, at first I didn't think much of it but now since it's happening I am and I want that baby! Come on Taehyung if my mom doesn't want it I'll have it... youandmecould" Jungkook ramble

"Huh?" Taehyung picked his head up "but what about college? The food for the baby? Clothes? And the stuff it needs like a car seat, a crib, or a bouncer? Not only that but money! Jungkook we both don't work"

"But we could though!... or I could and you could go to college" Jungkook pouted

"As much as I love to help you with the baby I'm scared"

"Don't be! We could go through this together! We could ask for Namjoon and Jin's help they're much older and work oh and Yoongi, and Jimin is a stripper and a sugar baby! He can help us with the money plus he loves kids"

Taehyung laughed "I mean you're not wrong, but also we promised each other to go to the same college and to go together" he whined and Jungkook smiled "we will we will"

"Plus my parents will be out in a couple months and they love children too so they can help too once they're out" Taehyung smiled and laid back on Jungkook's bed

"I can't wait till your parents are out! They were like my parents too" Jungkook laid back with him looking up at the ceiling "I fucking miss them already even though I saw them last week" Taehyung whined

"I miss them too" Jungkook sighed and turned to look at Taehyung's whose eyes were closed but wasn't asleep. He started to admire his features 'he's so beautiful, I'm so lucky to be this close to a beautiful god'. Taehyung opened his eyes and turned his head feeling the stare

"What? Is there something on my face?" Taehyung laughed and Jungkook turned his body leaning on his side facing Taehyung "beauty" Jungkook whispered wrapping his arm around Taehyung's waist and pulled Taehyung towards him. Their nose almost touching

"Pfft where do you see beauty on this thing" Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Everywhere, Taehyung has anyone ever told you how fucking breath taking you are" Jungkook whispered getting closer

Taehyung blushed and shook his head with his heart pounding so hard and fast "well you are, so beautiful there are words that can't describe how amazing you are, sometimes I just wanna hold you and tell you how pretty you are" Jungkook pulled him closer

"J-Jungkook" Taehyung was sure that Jungkook could hear his heartbeat. Jungkook started to slowly lean in 'what are you doing Jeon Jungkook! You'll scare the fuck out of him' Jungkook backed away and cleared his throat "S-sorry" He sat up as his face turned red and he covered it with his hands

Taehyung also turned red 'WAS HE ABOUT TO FUCKING KISS ME!!' Taehyung squealed in his head 'omg omg why is my heart pounding! Why am I like this! WHY DID I WANT HIM TO DO IT! No wait I'm just tired, yeah that's all tired he probably was too and isn't thinking right, okay okay Taehyung just play dumb'

"Sorry for what?"

"I- never mind, I'm just tired I'm sure you are too" Jungkook took off his shirt and pants throwing them across the room 'Taehyung it's not the first time you've seen him without a shirt just calm down and go to slee- oh shit are those abs? Fuck abs are such a turn on why Jungkook why!?'

"Are you going to sleep in that clothes?" Jungkook asked looking at him "um just a shirt, I'll take the pants off" Taehyung took his pants off throwing them somewhere in the room 'those damn thighs! Kim Taehyung if you're gonna want to sleep in here don't turn me on' Jungkook huffed and went under the blanket. Taehyung went under the blanket and faced away from him

'Don't ask don't ask' "C-can I cuddle you?" Jungkook mumble 'STUPID I TOLD YOU NOT TO ASK'

'Say no say no cause it's weird' "Uh y-yeah sure" Taehyung blushed, Jungkook pulled him by his waist 'dumbass I told you to say no'. Taehyung relaxed into Jungkook's arms and chest feeling the warmth "Goodnight" Jungkook whispered

"Night" Taehyung mumble
"I still think you're beautiful"

'Oh for fuck sakes kick him in the balls Taehyung' Taehyung closed his eyes ignoring his thoughts and fell asleep smiling

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