The Name Game

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But speak to me in the sense that-
Never mind, I already forgot my thoughts
And you won't let them back in, so
We whisper in breaths tied together with alcohol on our tongues
And I want you to say my name
Please just look at me and say it
Do you love me?
Because I love you, but I can't hear you at all
Have you stuffed your ego into my head
So that all that I can hear is how you love me
And when we laid in the grass in the afternoon
That one time back when you cut your hair
I really thought that we had what people in movies had,
And so why must this be so hard
And yet you still intrigue me with your words
-At least, when I could hear them-
So now when we're here on this floor stained with dust from a life's worth of books
Why can't you just say my name
Just this once
For me.
Here, our souls are touching and I feel dizzy and you feel heavy on me while you play with my hair
But our eyes don't meet
Not even twice in a row
Just to show me a false ID of yourself
At least spare me something
If not anything
Although I know
Doctors don't recommend this
Not to their patients
For what we have, my love, isn't love
Indeed it is but one would call
An overdose in the making
I am addicted to you
As you are addicted to selfishness
So I always, always let you steal me away
You always steal the plain white sheets from me
Kill me kill me
Kill me fast
While I take one last breath
Kill me kill me
Kill me slow
But watch me on a river
Tears moving as I row
Our love has become a nursery rhyme
As we lay in a heap of heat on this stained floor
Of sweat and tears in the midst of a storm
Say my name, just once
I will say yours back

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