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Quick author note, I'm going to need a key for this story so people get confused as to where they are:
• bold letters at the beginning of (mostly) every chapter is the real present, where Y/N has already been captured.
• these two dots • • over each other mean a time transition to the present which makes up the most of the story (the meet, the yandere tendencies, before the capture...), if not, a change from past into present tense should represent the difference between times, hopefully.
• one dot (•) means a small time skip

C/N, about an hour or two before our story started:

Ringggggg Ringgggg "C'mon-n—"
911 what's your emergency?
"E-ex-c-c-use-e, I wou- I wa- I'd like to report-t a crime."
Ok ma'am, what's the crime?
"I-I saw someone break into a house a-and—"
Ma'am? Ma'am? Are you okay? Has the criminal come out yet?
"N-no, I don't think so... *sob* I r-ran."
Ok, just stay still. Please tell me the addres—
"W-wait! I can see something— the man he took something!"
Can you see what he took? Is there any current movement?
"I-it's a-a-*hiccup*a girl."
Ma'am you need to tell me the address. The address. Please. Now.
"2-2-2... 27 (Your street name incompleted) He's coming—AHHHHH."
The operator heard a sickening crunch, still vaguely unaware of the address.

Rhys winced as the light burned into his eyes, letting a small groan escape from his lips.
"Not the eyes, officers, they're my best feature."
"Don't be a twat..." the officer glanced down at his files... "Sullivan." In a moment of realisation, he piped up, "That's my last name too!"

His friend, who Rhys recognised as this "Renolds" man, grimaced like he'd smelled something nasty. "I don't think you want any relation to him."

Rhys glared hard at him, hoping that like the sun melted ice, he could do so with this prick. The dark haired male saw the way Renolds gripped Y/N so close. Rhys burned with an infectious jealously. If not, if not for these handcuffs, he would break—he would kill—

A voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"So, Rhys, before we can let someone bail you out, or we let you go, depending on the amount of time, we need to go through some basic procedures; paper work; finger print tests..." the sweet voice trailed him out of his thoughts before he leaned as far as he could go towards the H/C haired girl, whispering, "I got your attention, didn't I?"

She jerked back.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Seethed the voice of a black haired, eye blued women, whose features were oddly aligned with the criminal himself, as she marched her dignified way over to Y/N's desk.

"Oh, Sullivan... I guess we should've guessed it was you too," groaned Renolds, practically face planting.

"Fuck you too, Renolds.

"Oh, Sarah," y/N began, "I'm just about to take him through—"

"This is your fault,  you bitch! I told you to stay away from my brother!"

Two of the three males jumped at that.
Rhys, first of all, tried to rip his handcuffs off,
resulting into many more bruises and cuts, uttering curses and threats towards his own blood, whereas Renolds, more professionally, startled, walked over to her and stated if any more inappropriate language was used she'd be out of a job.

"Please could you leave, everyone?" Y/N weakly muttered.

Renolds placed a hand on her shoulder. "Really, I could get someone else to take this shift."

"A-ah," Rhys raised a brow at the stutter, angry (kill kill need to kill Rip his limbs from—) "No worries, everyone's gone home anyway. This is my overtime for the month."

She encouragedly smiled, "Get run over by a car!" Renolds ruffled her hair, and left with the other man. Sullivan "Sarah" dent a gore her way, before waiting outside to pick her brother out afterwards.

Rhys, despite fuming, found himself happy.
Alone time with Y/N! We can talk and bond it'll be just like a date—

He looked over to the girl, who was doing her best to ignore him. His face dropped again.

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