Dairy of breaking up : 2

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Jennie's point of view:

"Jennie, I missed you so much... during these months, I thought we could be better. But I didn't know that I was getting worse. My mind is filled by our happy memories..."

I sighed and spoke weakly "But, you wanted to break up with me..."

"I know. It's my fault! But I got to know how important you are to me..."

I looked up at the sky "But you are no longer important to me."


"You are not the only person in pain. I've moved on in these months. Now I think it's pretty nice to live alone..."

"Jennie, do you mean it?"

"of course. Taehyung, don't call me again. Goodbye."

When he said he missed me, my heart started beating faster... I couldn't imagine that I could turn him down in this way.

A bit sad. But this relationship is already over now...

After reaching home, I took a quick shower, and later, watered my plants.

This room is no longer spacious as it were. It can feel like home, even when I'm living alone.


"Jennie Kim, our client isn't satisfied with this design." My manager looked at me with disappointment.

"Which part?"

"Anyhow, It doesn't agree with the style of their products. Be simpler and more elegant."

I fake cried "I've already given several designs. My new year's day is probably going to be ruined again..."

The manager chuckled "This is how we do things. First party must be contented. By next Wednesday you have to come up with a good plan. And try to take this project."

I sighed. This new job is not that easy as I thought...


It's freezing cold today. I went to the no. 99 secondhand bookstore to buy some books so that I can improve my knowledge in designs.

I was greeted warmly by the cashier. Wow, she looks like a doll...

"Excuse me, do you have any books on advertising design?" I asked her.

"There are some in that corner."

Hmm... these seem to be old books, are they out of style?

Hmm? The designs are old, but the ideas are not. These are all great works!

As I was searching for other good books in advertising designs. I came across a novel. The dreamcatcher. What is a novel doing in this section?

"Hey, I'll take these books" I said to the cashier with a warm smile.

I looked at her name tag. Lisa. Nice name.

"Are you sure you want to buy this novel? It's kind of expensive." Lisa asked.

I gave her my gummy smile "Yes! I just read some of it. I love it!"

Lisa chuckled "I enjoy it too. This is why I secretly hid it in the corner. I didn't expect you would find it."

"Eh? Is it not for sale?" I asked, worry glazed in my voice.

"Of course it is for sale. I won't work here from tomorrow. I'm also glad to meet it's very owner."

"Thank you!"

While she was checking the price tags of my books, I looked out through the window.

"Wow! It snows?!" I exclaimed.

"Huh? It does snow..." I looked at Lisa. She was looking at the snow rather sadly.

"No wonder it's icy-cold today. It hasn't snowed in years..." I smiled, looking at the snow.

"Happy new year! Goodbye." I bid my farewell.

She smiled softly "Happy new year~"

Lisa seemed sad when she was looking out of the window. Was she waiting for someone...?

"I want ice cream!" I turned around, only to meet the high school girl with heart shaped lips I had once encountered. She was with a guy.

"Eating ice cream? In this snowy day?" The boy shrieked. Probably her boyfriend?

"Yup. The snowflakes make my mouth water..."

"Jisoo, look at you! You're like a child!"

They both walked away happily, hand in hand, skipping in the air. Young kids...

"Excuse me, May I ask, is no. 99 secondhand bookstore in this street? It's been a long time. I sort of got lost." A young man with a bouquet of flowers approached me. He looked really handsome with his brownish black hair and doe eyes.

"Yes, just go straight ahead." I said, pointing a finger.

"Thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome."

Is something special going to happen? His cheerful face delights me as well. Haha.

This year is coming to an end. So many things have happened. No matter it's happy or sad, hopeful or desperate... it's coming to an end.

I've never been like this. Calm but joyful, expecting the coming of a new year in the peaceful heavy snow.

Things are happening and life is going on...


Woah! At last, I completed one book. Yay! Happy snoopy dance...

Thank you so much for supporting me and taking out your free time to read my book. I'm so grateful to you guys...!

Also thanks to the readers who vote for me. It means a lot. Thank you so much!

Thank you for accompanying me in this 'one day with you' journey.

Love you loads.

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