Chapter 10

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Tsuchi Pov
It had been a exactly a year now since I graduated from the academy. I head the news of Kakashi passing and everything. But I've ignored him and focused on being a shinobi. Mikoto-sensei and Fugaku have been married 9 months now and had little Itachi. He's sooo adorable, hes just now learning to walk.😍 I will protect my little Itachi-kun! Fugaku-kun has warmed up to me which freaked me out a bit but it works for me in the future.

I've been learning what it means to be hokage from the old man. Its a lot of work but to see how much people respect the old man and look up to him. I want to be that for people and save as many people as I can. Part of my training is attending council meetings representing the Senju clan. Its safe to say that Danzo hates me hehe. The clan heads and surprisingly the civilian side all welcomed me with open arms and actually take my opinions into account. Which is kinda weird considering I'm 4 but this also works for me.

I've hung out with Obito-kun a couple times, he mainly enthusiastically help him with his fireball jutsu to impress a certain someone. He won't tell me but I already know who it is. And as for Rin well for some reason she hates me now. I don't know why but then again I don't really care. Living with Kushina-nee has been really crazy fun. Minato-anki lives with us now too, he surprised me with his cooking skills. The only downside is Jiraiya-kun has more of a reason to come by and, bother me about Tsunade. I know a tiny part of me can't really hate her but its only a tiny part.

I let out a breath looking at the sky as I make my way to training ground 12 for my last session with Mikoto-sensei. Tomorrow I'm supposed go to the academy and meet my team and new sensei. Hopefully we work well together and they don't hate me. "Ah Tsuchi you're finally here." My eyes widen in alarm as I see Mikoto-sensei already standing by a tree.

"Man am I late?" I chew my lip nervously causing her to chuckle. "No right on time actually, follow me." Curiously I jog to catch her and we begin to walk threw a forest. It's silent for a while now I wonder where we're going. Its not like Mikoto-sensei not to want to dive right into tor- I mean training. "When the hokage first asked me to train you I was very reluctant."

I frown a little, "And not because you're a Senju and I'm an Uchiha but because of how young you are. I had thoughts all of this was being pushed on you. With being the last Senju in the village and having wood release I wasn't sure if this was even what you wanted. So after hearing that you where staying with Kushina I decide to ask her what you where like. And after this last year of training you seeing how much you have grown. I realized you are much more than whatever anyone can say about you."

Tears stream down my cheeks as we stop bye a lake, Mikoto-sensei stopping a few paces in front of me. "Tsuchi you are my first and last student, after today I am retiring from shinobi life."She faces me with a soft smile, "I want you to have these so I can be with you as you continue down you're path." My eyes widen as she takes her twin katanas of her back and holding them out for me to take. "B-But those have been in youre family forever! Made from a real meteor and everything Mikoto-sensei. They should be passed to Itachi when he's older to keep it in the family.."

She laughs lightly, "You are family Tsuchi. You are just as much of a sister to me as Kushina so-!" I fling myself into her, glad she dropped the katanas. She pulls me closer, rubbing soothing circles on my back. We stand there for a while until my sobs turn into hiccups. "Arigato for everything Mikoto-nee." We pull apart and she wipes the few tears she had. "We are not training today, I want you to be well rested for whoever you're sensi is." I hug her one more time, "Bye Mikoto-nee, after I meet my team tomorrow, I'll come see you and my little Ita!" She waves me off as I start running home, but I slow down passing training ground two.

"You better leave us alone-!"

"Or what Airi you're all talking and no bite. To think I use to be scared of you."

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