Chapter 2

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(Timeskip 3 year old Tsuchi)

Tsuchi POV
It was raining outside I was with Obaasan in her room. I clench in unclench my fist, so it was a lie huh. Obaasan had called me to her room after an anbu left. I guess Dan had died and Tsunade 'left' the leaf.

I knew I couldn't stop his death but I would have thought she would keep her promise. "Tsuchi please don't be angry with her." My jaw locks into place as my eyes start to water. Obaasan never leaves the house and is mostly in her bed now, I'm not stupid. I'm a 21 year old stuck in a 3 year old body her time is ending. "Obaasan she has abondaned us as far as I'm concerned we are no longer family. But for you I will try to forgive but I cannot promise anything."

She doesn't say anything and we sit in silents as the rain hits the house. Soon I here light snoring and I leave Obaasan room. I need to talk to the third hokage. The old man didn't have the heart to name Tsunade a rogue nin. The rain continues to poor on me as I make my way through the village. If tsunade left the village looks like I'm the heiress now of the Senju clan.

Thank's for leaving me with this much responsibly. Huh when Obaasan dies I wonder what they will do to me since I do have wood style, only one way to find out.

Hiruzen POV
It was raining heavy today in the village as I do my paper work. There was a knock on the door making me stop. "Come in Tsuchi." The little girl walks in soaked to the bone but she doesn't look cold. In her eyes I can see hurt, anger, and sadness poor child. "Lord third my I talk to you in private please."

This child can since the anbu in the shadows she could be a prodigy. I motion for them to leave and lean forward in my chair, "What is it child we are alone now." She release a steady breath and holds her hand out. It turns completely into wood, my eyes widen in shock. "Two days ago I wanted to see my chakra types. My affiliations are wind, water, earth, fire and....wood." I hmm in response, "I feel like there was more you wanted to say."

Her fist clench, "I know.....that my Obaasan time is coming to an end. I want to know what will happen to me after she passes." My eyes sadden, "Well I can't let you live on your own your still to young. I can make a list of peo-." She cuts me off, "There is only one person I would want to live with and that would be Kushina Uzamaki. Please tell her that she can use the Senju account if she worried about finances....and that it would mean a lot to me. That's all I wanted to say Lord third and if its not to much I would like to start the acdamey."

I give her a sad smile, "Of course child and you don't have to be so formal with me okay." She hesitants for a moment, "Thank you......old man." Tsuchi closes the door and I look out the window towards the village. Tsunade did you not think about the pain and despair you would cause Tsuchi.

Tsuchi POV
After I got back to the compound I take a warm shower. "(Mago) can you come here please." I set my brush down and enter Obaasan room. She motions for me to sit on the bed and I do as she says. "I'm not going to lie to you little sapling I'm dying." I look at the ground, "I-I know I talked to the old man he's going to ask Kushina-nee if I-I can live with her after."

Obaasan laughs a little, "You two living together should be interesting but that's not it. You remembered how we talked about the tailed beast and how I hold the nine tails in me right." I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. "Well the reason Kushina has been coming over more often is because we are going to seal it in her next. Normal to seal a tailed beast into someone it would have to be an infant. There chakra network is new and can bond with that of a tail beast. But us Uzamaki have special chakra that allows for the beast to be sealed in us any time."

My eyes start to water, "W-when I-is the s-sealing going to take p-place?" There's a short pause her voice comes out to calm, "By the end of the week." I rub my eyes and nod my head, "A-At l-least you are going to see everyone." She doesn't say anything but she brings me into a tight hug. I silently cry into her shoulder why does this life suck to bad.

(Small Timeskip end of week)

I did my hair and dust off my black dress. "(Mago) its time to go." I jump off my bathroom stool and head to the living room. Obaasan was dressed in a pretty white kimono. She grabs the black umbrella as we step out into the light rain.

I hold her hand tightly as we make our way through the empty compound. By the gates was the old man, Kushina-nee and a few anbu they were also in black. Kushina-nee had agreed to take care of me and the third got us a bigger apartment. Everyone had a sad look on there face and tears manage to fall as much as I didn't want them to.

Obaasan gets down to my level with a small smile. She cups my cheeks and wipes away my tears with her thumbs. "Now don't cry for me little sapling its going to be okay." I sniffle but nod, "I-I'll b-be *hiccup* strong Obaasan f-for *hiccup* you. J-just say h-hi to e-every-one and t-tell Kaa-chan a-and Tou-chan I l-love them." She smiles a little more, "Remember little Senju were always watching over you. And we are never really go-." I cut her off with a weak smile, "G-gone I-if I keep y-you all by m-my heart." She kiss my forehead as I close my eyes more tears staining my cheeks. "This is we part ways my (Mago) never forget I love you."

I hug her tightly taking in her smell, "I l-love y-ou t-too O-Obaasan." Kushina-nee had tears streaming down her face and I could see lord third was holding his back. They walk away and I stay there letting the rain fall on me mixing with my tears. I stare at the path them long gone, the anbu who always kept watch over us were gone. Probably wanting to let a three year old grive in peace. I turn to head back into the compound but something hits my neck hard. Black dots dance across my vision then everything goes black.

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