Chapter 14

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Tsuchi Pov
"Wood style: four pillar house jutsu!"

I send chakra threw the ground watching as a row of three bedroom houses take shape. I sit back into my butt panting lightly.

I close my eyes feeling drained, "Here idiot I don't need you passing out on me." I open my eyes only to find a water bottle in my face. Smiling I take it, "Thanks Airi." She huffs looking away, "What ever I'm only doing it so I don't get scolded by sensei and Kai later."

"Well I still appreciate it." I take a few sips and look around at the village we've only been here for 4 days but its already looking better. Right now we haven't had a run in with the bandits but that could change at any moment.

"Tsuchi-nee! Airi-nee! We saw those bandits there coming!" Running right towards us was a group of three little kids. At the front was a little girl with black hair and light gray eyes. I immediately stand up, "Hana what direction are they coming from?" She pants heavily, "T-The forest from the south side of the village!" The other girl with soft brown eyes and brown hair looks at us with a frightened expression.

"W-what are we going to do..." Airi places her hand softly on her head, "Run to Lord Matanso mansion mansion and warn as many people as you can on the way will take care of them Kaori." Finally the youngest of the three nods determined her curly black hair bouncing slightly, "You can count on us! Come on Hana, Kaori." She sprints away leaving the other two running after her, "Wait up Hikari!"

"Wood style: wood clone jutsu!

I make a total of ten clones, "Spread out and get everyone to Lord Matanso mansion then guard it." My clones disappear as me and Airi head south taking the roofs.

As soon as we get closer to its southern wall, Airi sends a kunai in the air as a signal to Kai and Yuzumi-sensei. We land just in front of them, "You are not allowed in this village any longer." There silent for a second before laughter erupts threw there small group.

"Are you serious they sent two kids!?"

"This is hilarious hahaha!"

"Should we be offended by this?"

Airi growls in annoyance, "Oi baka's we're Hidden Leaf shinobi! Don't underestimate us." The man in front of the group tenses up, "Shut up all of you right now!" The group instantly goes silent, "You red head what is the hidden leaf doing here?" Push chakra into the seal on my wrist clenching my katana's.

"As I said before you are not allowed in this village leave." The guy in front looks at me his onyx narrowing, "We made sure these pest wouldn't be able to pay for an A-rank mission." I shift on my feet, "So your the leader am I right."

He snorts in response, "I'm not you would piss your pants if those two where here." Yuzumi-sensei appears right next to him her tanto blade against his next, "As my cute little genin said leave."

"Y-Your Yuzumi Ali the reaper of the leaf." One of the thugs trys to attack Yuzumi-sensei with a kunai. Airi knocks the kunai out from his hand while I sweep his legs out from under him. Kai appears and pends him with a kunai on by his neck. Yuzumi-sensei kicks the back, "Crawl back down the whole you came back down."

All the other run back into the woods while the guys scrambles to his feet.

"Y-Your going to regret this!" Airi grins widely, "Man that was too easy." Yuzumi-sensei frowns and looks at her strenly, "Don't go celebrating too early Airi this is far from over. We have yet to confront there bosses and I don't doubt there going to be pissed. So we have to prepare this village for an attack."

I seal my katana's away, "Dont worry sensei I'm sure we'll be ready." She sighs and points back to the village, "Let's get back I have to send a messenger hawk to Lord Third. And we have to make plans to keep the civilians safe with Lord Matanso."

"Hai Yuzumi-sensei!"

We begin to make our way back but I can't help but shake the feeling that something bad was coming.

Unknown POV

My twin brother Akihiko kicks the incompetent fool Itsuki across the ground sending him crashing threw a tree.

"So your telling me that you ran from simple genin!?" Itsuki hold his side bowing his head, "Please have mercy Akihito-sama, Akihiko-sama! You have to understand they had the Reaper of the leaf with them! She would have killed us in seconds!"

I lean forward grinning sadistically, "So Yuzumi Ali is here then, its unexpected but I welcome it. Things have getting quiet boring around here. What do you say Akihiko want to go great Yuzumi personally."

He chuckles grabbing his sycthe from the wall placing it on his back.

"What are you waiting for let's go! I'm also curious on this genin team she seems to be training. They have to have some talent for someone like her to be assigned to train them." I nod in agreement, "Maybe they'll be strong enough to entertain us for a few minutes. Itsuki gather all the men and tell them to prepare to burn that blasted village down. And we not going to let any of them survive this. It will serve as an example to the Hidden leaf that we are not to be messed with."

Ooh this is going to be so much fun!

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