Chapter 1

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Tsuchi POV
Its been 7 months since I was 'born' and I hate it so much. All I can do is stare at the ceiling and roll around. All right its time I start working on everything before all the bad things come. I was by a chair so I roll over to it, slowly I start to pull myself up. Okay Sof- I mean Tsuchi take it nice and slow. Letting go of the chair I stand there slowly turning myself towards the backyard is. Tsunade is back there while Obaasan went on a walk.

She was was practicing Tijutsu with a clone, this could be a good time to practice my talking skills. "T-tsu Tsun!" I clap my hands and start giggling Immidetly her head snaps over to me. She holds a wide grin on her face as she rushes towards me. "Well look who finally learn to walk, now I don't have to carry you." Oh how much I would like to kick you into a tree. But its best I act childless right now, so I giggle and keep clapping.

"Tsun Tsun Tsun!!" Her cheeks gain a tint of pink as she picks me up laughing. "You said my name your first word good job!" I squeal as she throws me up in the air. "Come on lets show Obaasan." We rush out of the house just to see Obaasan on the path, she smiles at us. Tsunade is in front of her in a heartbeat, "Obaasan!!Tsuchi said her first word and started to walk her look." She sets me down first making sure I'm balanced, then she backs up a little.

"Okay come on little Senju you can do it." I start giggling and clapping as I start walking, "Tsun Tsun Tsun!" She picks me up smiling then ahe smirks at Obaasan. "Looks like I win the bet." I sweat-drop in my mind they actually made a bet, well I don't want the Legendary Sucker to win. I stretch my tiny hands to Obaasan, "Oba Oba Oba f-fav." She smiles at me fondly, "And your my favorite too." Obaasan turns me around so I can see Tsunade who holds a hand over her chest.

"Well you hurt my feelings brat and Obaasan." My eyebrows furry a little, "L-Luv T-Tsun." Her eyes start to water as she snatched me back and cradles me in her arms. "I love you too as if you were my own little sappling." A yawn escapes my lips, this body can only handle so much. "Sleep well little one."

(Timeskip Taichi is 2 1/2)

I'm turning three in a few months and Obaasan says I'm advance for my age. I can walk, run, write, speak, read all fine without any trouble. Obaasan stays in the house now but she goes in the back yard with me sometimes. I was reading a book on chakra control when there's a knock on the door.

Hmm Obaasan is resting in her bed, so I will answer it. I grab my stool and put it by the door and open it. Before I pay any attention to the person I scoot the stool out of the way. I mental let out a fan-girl squeal, standing in front of me was the Kushina Uzumaki. She was younger right now maybe in her teens.

Kushina crouch to my height and she coo's at me. "Awww and who are you." I blush a little, "I'm T-Tsuchi Senju c-can I know your n-name." She smiles at me warmly, "I'm Kushina Uzamaki and I'm going to be the first female hokage ya'know!" Oh may gosh she just said it I could faint right now. I giggle at her then a voice interrupts us, "(Mago) who's at the door." I grab Kushina's hand and lead her into the house. I knock on Obaasan door and open it after she says come in.

"Obaasan, Kushia-nee is here to see you." Kushina blush as I say this making Obaasan giggle and me tilt my head, lets play the clueless card. "Eh Kushina-nee are you sick." She chuckles nervously, "N-no I've just never had anyone call me that." I nod my head and look at Obaasan who looks amused. "Obaasan I'm going to be in my room okay." She nods at me, "All right just go get some fresh air later okay little one." I bow, "Hai Oba Ja' Ne Kushina-nee." As I close the door I hear Kushina speak, "Wow she's pretty smart dabben' how old is she."

Obaasan laughs, "She's going to turn 3 in 3 mouths." There's a moment of silence, "EHHHH!" I giggle to myself, as soon as the I get to the living room the door opens. Tsunade walks in looking exhausted but it immediately wipes off her face as she sees me. "Hey brat I just got my check and I don't want Obaasan on my back for gambling. How about I take you out to see the village and to the store." My turquoise eyes light up, "Really Aneki!" She smirks at me, "Of course brat why would I lie to you." I sqeal and hug her legs, making her laugh and pick me up. She puts me on her shoulders as we make our way out of the compound.

See the reason I'm so excited is because I've only been out of the compound 4 times. As we walk around the village may people stare at us but I can't blame them. Were two of the three remaining Senju, we are basically endangered. Tsunade puts me down and I look at the store we are at, it was a toy store. My inner child takes over before I can run in Tsunade crouches down in front of me. "How about we get you one toy okay then we can go get ramen." I nod and grab her hand leading her into the store. There were many toys like stuff kunai, plastic shuriken etc:. Typical things shinobi children get, but what catches my eye is a toy Phoenix.

I tug Tsunade sleeve, "Aneki can I get that one." She nods and grabs it off the shelf and pays for it at the counter. I hold the toy close to me as we walk towards the Raman shop. Suddenly Tsunade stops and her eyebrow starts twitching. "Jiraiya why are you following us!" Jiraiya hops out in front of us with a big grin. I don't know why but I shyly hide behind Tsunade leg. He spots me and gets down to my level, "And who's this little beauty." I blush a little, "This is my Im- I mean baby cousin Tsuchi Senju. Brat this is my team mate Jiraiya."

I come out from behind her legs and smile at him. "Hi it's nice to meet you." He grabs my toy Phoenix making me huff, "What's a kid like you doing with a toy like this." Before I can say anything Tsunade punches him hard into the ground, talk about abuse. "Don't touch her or her thing's!!" I pick up Phoenix and look at the bump on his head then at my hand. This would be a good time to test it out, I put my hand on his bump making him wince. "Kid wh-." My hand emits a green mist and after maybe 5 minutes his bump disappears.

I smile happily to myself as the other two stare at me in shock. Tsunade is the first to come out of it, "Tsuchi where did you learn how to do that." I shrug at her, "I read it in a book and it had pictures that showed me to." Jiraiya just smiles at me, "Well since you healed me how about I treat you two to some ramen." I nod my head with a grin making Tsunade sigh but follow us to the ramen shop.

We order our ramen and began to eat me and Jiraiya talk about different things while Tsunade just sat there. I felt like I was being watched so I look towards the entrance. There was yellow hair there, I tug on Jiraiya's sleeve making him stop his rant. I point to the yellow blob making him grin, "Oi Minato stop creeping the little girl out and say hello." OH MY GOSH the Minato Namikaze he's still so hot and innocent as in the show.

He comes towards us with a sheepish smile, "Gomen Jiraiya-sensei I was looking for you, but saw you with this little girl so I got curious." I puff out my cheeks, "I'm about to be 3 in 3 mouths not that little." He sits down next to Jiraiya, "My name is Minato Namikaze what about you." I slurp some noodles and make a happy sound, "Tsuchi Senju nice to meet you." He sweat-drops at me, "You kinda remind me of another red head who likes ramen."

This makes Jiraiya snort and Tsunade chuckle, "You are probably talking about Kushina-nee. You should check on her I think she's sick." He raises a brow at me, "Oh and why is that." I finish off my noodles and look at him, "Because she turned read after I told my Obaasan that Kushina-nee was there to see her." They all start laughing I decide to still play the clueless card. "Hey what's so funny?" Tsunade shakes her head, "Nothing lets get you home it getting pretty late." I hop off the stool and grab her hand as she leads me out. I wave at Minato and Jiraiya, "Ja'Ne Jiraiya-kun Minato-ani." I barley am able to see Minato blush and Jiraiya slapping him hard on the back.

The walk back to the compound was quite but peaceful. We get to the house and I can feel the anbu close bye. We are always guarded since we are the last Senju, I guess everyone wants us dead. Tsunade waits in my room as I change into my pajamas. I lay in my bed and Tsunade tucks me in. "Hey Aneki I can talk to you about anything right." She puts her hands on her hips, "Of course what is it." I stare at the ceiling, "What if I have wood style would people try and take them from you and Obaasan."

Tsunade kisses the top of my head, "Even by chance you did they would have to kill me if they wanted to take you. Just remember little sapling you can always talk to me, I will always be here for you." I hold out my pinky, "Promise." She wraps my pink with hers, "I promise now get some sleep brat Good night."

Tsunade heads for the door, "Goodnight." It closes and I turn to my side closing my eyes. She says that she promises but why do I feel like that was a lie.

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