Chapter 17

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Tsuchi pov (a week later)
It has been about two weeks since I've been stabbed and a week since I've been released from the hospital. Today is my first training session since, as luck would have it Airi was just cleared as well.

I get closer to the training grounds and raise a brow when I see Minato-nii team. I walk over to Kakashi, "What are you guys doing here?"

He shrugs at me, "Minato-sensei asked us to come here I could only assume we're going to be training together." Before I could say anything else to him Airi grabs my arm and begins to drag me away from him, "Nope I'm not letting you spend too much time with Captain killjoy. Otherwise you'll end up with a stick in your ass too."

I snort slightly as Kakashi glares at Airi while crossing his arms over his chest. We gather in a small circle, "G-Guys Obito's glaring at us." Kai says nervously, and he was right Obito was glaring at the three if us. And Rin was right next to him giving me the stink eye, "What crawled up there asses..." Airi says glaring back at him, Obito flinches slightly causing her to snicker.

I laugh quietly, "Just ignore them anyway how's the shoulder Airi?" She rolls her right arm her shoulder popping slightly. She groans in satisfaction, "Good as new, how's your wound?" I pat my stomach, "Healed enough they let me get me back to training finally. I hated not being able to do anything."

Kai smiles at the both of us, "I'm glad you two are better training with Yuzumi-sensei by myself...."

"Hell?" Both Airi and I say at the same time, he nods with a sheepish smile. Finally both Minato-nii and Yuzumi-sensei decide to make there appearances. Yuzumi-sensei pulls both Airi and I into a bone crushing hug, "Aweeee my cute little genin are back!" I sweat-drop as Airi thrashes around, "Let me go sensei this is embarrassing!"

She finally let's go of both of us as we pant lightly, Kai pats us on the back. Minato-nii claps his hands together, "Right I'm glad you both are finally recovered. Now to get straight to the point me and Yuzumi wish to see how you're teamwork has come along. So today we will be doing a team vs team battle."

I look at the two adults in front of me and deadpan, "You both made bets on us didn't you." Yuzumi-sensei waves her hand around, "Whhaaaatttt noooooo never." I look at Minato-nii blankly, "Ill tell Kushina-nee."

I say bluntly trying not to laugh at him as he pales slightly, "Okay maybe but it will let us see how you guys are with your teamwork. And I'll buy you all the ramen you want Tsuchi if you promise not to tell her." He laughs nervously, "Deal." I say smugly.

Yuzumi-sensei looks at him in pity, "Anyway no fatal wounds allowed, any jutsu and weapon is allowed. But if either me or Minato see the need to wear will interfere understood. Airi, Tsuchi you two have just been cleared so don't push yourselves to hard." She gives us both looks, I smile innocently at her.

She rolls her eyes at me, "You'll have 5 minutes to come up with a plan. Get started."

I grab the two and moves us even further from Team Minato, "What the hell Tsuchi?!" Airi yanks her arm out of my grip, "Sorry but the faster we move out of Kakashi's hearing range the better. First I want to hear what you two think, who out of the 3 of us are they going to target first?"

Kai looks down at the ground, "Me its only natural to want to pick off the weakest link. And I'm the assigned medic of the team." Airi flicks him in the nose and he holds it in pain, "Ow Airi what was that for?!" He raises his voice slightly, "The Kai we knew back at the academy wouldn't talk back to me."

Airi says seriously, "Shes right Kai you're different from you where back then. You've gotten stronger just like we have so give yourself some credit okay." He rubs his nose but nods, "Now normal you're right about the medic part. But I have a feeling they'll try and take me out first probably thinking I'm the only real threat."

My eyes drift over to team Minato before looking back directly at both Airi and Kai. I smirk, "And that's going to be there downfall because you two will show them that we're all a threat." Airi grins widely, "Hell yea, does that mean we're going after Rin first."

I nod, "Yup and here's how we're going to do it...."

Kakashi pov
It was no surprise to me when Tsuchi grabbed both her teammates and moved further away from us. After all she does know about my hearing, "What do we do Kakashi." I look back at Rin who looks at me with a nervous look, Obito looks away from me grumbling.

"Normally we would attack the enemy's team medic sense there normally weaker from not normally being on the front lines. But Tsuchi is the only real threat on there team, yes Airi has some strength but not much. And Kai shouldn't be a problem at all even a screw up like you Obito wouldn't have a problem with him."


Rin holds him back, "Obito I'm sure Kakashi didn't mean it and besides we have to focus on the task ahead." He glares at me clenching his fist, "Look you two just follow my lead it won't be easy taking Tsuchi out of the fight." I look back at Tsuchi who was talking to Airi, "Especially with her wood style."

"All right times up both teams from up!" Minato-sensei yells slightly and we all gather on either side of him standing in front of each other.

Tsuchi winks at me playfully, I roll my eyes in response smiling under my mask.


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