"That someone being you," Elliott growled as Ronan started to walk away. Ronan waved off with a few last words.

"Or someone worthy of being the Patriarch."


Blake looked up at the mansion surrounded by a high fence. It had apparently magical barriers that sounded if anyone touched them. Must be a hell to handle as there were plenty of animals in the forest willing to give it a try. According to Alex though, the animals sense the magic and that keeps them away.

"Where is he?" Blake muttered as Alex, Hadrien, Aeron, and Haley had arrived a moment ago. Haley had come alone as Hamish had been forbidden by the new Head druid to join them. Blake really started to dislike the guy. Have all adults suddenly turned mad?

"Beats me. I assumed that he was already here," Aeron muttered and shuddered in the cold. "Why the hell did I allow him to convince me to do this?"

"You said it would be educational to see us break into the mansion," Jaxon's voice sounded from the darkness. He came out with a large bag hanging from his shoulder.

"Do you have it?" Alex asked.

"Yep," Jaxon said and threw the bag onto the ground. It made a plunk sound as it landed and Alex frowned.

"That does not sound like ropes."

"It's not. I went for the ropes but then imagine them breaking and Blake falling," Jaxon shuddered at the thought."So I took chains from Kai's room instead."

Aeron stared at him. "Why would Coach Price have chains in his room?"

Jaxon merely shrugged," who knows."

"That's not the bloody point. Chains make noise when you climb them, you bloody wanker!" Alex seethed as Jaxon awkwardly scratched his head.

"Yeah, I noticed that when Elliott discovered me when I tried to sneak out of the mansion," Jaxon gave them a thumbs up," though he just said I don't want to know and kept on walking."

"The poor bastard is most likely traumatized for life," Aeron muttered.

"It will have to do!" Blake added with a determined look on his face.

"Oui, but how do we get over the fence," Hadrien asked and perused the perimeter. "From what I can see, the only way is to jump over without touching the fence."

All of them raised their heads to watch the pointy edges of the high fence. "Maybe with a pole?" Blake muttered.

"Move aside, amateurs!" Alex said and cracked his neck. He took a few steps back and Hadrien snorted.

"You can't be serious. What the he-"

Alex rushed forward and took the leap. Blake's eyes went wide and a surprised shout erupted from his throat as Alex actually leaped over. A thud was heard as Alex landed on his feet and smirked at them in a superior manner.

"C'est quoi ce bordel!"

"What the hell are you? A cat?" All turned to glare at Jaxon as he turned red in embarrassment. "You know what I mean!"

"Give me some bloody credit, I am an Asian Golden Cat!" Alex said as he walked closer to the fence.

"Who can't climb," Blake pointed out and Alex grimaced at him. "Though I am happy that you jumped over the fence, but what good will that do?"

Alex pulled out a weirdly shaped stone. It looked like a wheel. He held it up towards the barrier and it opened a breach around the fence.

"What is that?" Blake asked curiously as Jaxon eagerly helped him over the fence. Hadrien had already climbed over and caught Blake as he fell over.

Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone days (book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang