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Breathing heavily, I turn my head to look at the love of my life. In this moment, everything seems normal.

Someone knocks on the door lightly. "Cover yourselves, I'm coming in," says a voice I recognize as Laurel's.

She comes in, sneaking a quick peek at my body. Violet catches her gaze and glares.

"Oh, Violet," Laurel says in a somewhat singsong voice, "you're father wants to see you in his office."

"Well he can go fuck himself," Violet snarls.

"Whatever," Laurel mutters as she exits the room.

Violet is tense now and the air of love and romance around us has disappeared.

"You should go talk to him Vi," I say carefully. "He is your father. I wish my father had cared more about me."

The look on my face tells me she is considering it. I lean over to kiss her, but she rolls out of bed. She dresses slowly, while I watch, and leaves.

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