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This is too much. Everyone is dying. I don't know if they'll come back. Probably not. I don't know if it's the house, if maybe he absorbed all the evil or if he was like this all along. I like to think it's the house.

There's gasoline in the shed. He's watching me. I don't know if I can get it. He notices my eyes darting around the room. "You can't leave me anymore Vi. I won't allow it." He leans in and kisses me. With one hand caressing my cheek he tells me everything will be alright. I resist the urge to spit.
"What about 'if you love something set it free?'" I say.

"You belong here Violet. You belong with me."


I sit perched on the couch like a stranger in my own home. Don't go anywhere, he said. I have a surprise for you, he said. Now I'm alone. I'd run away but I'm terrified he'd find me. I don't know when he's coming back. There's gasoline in the shed. I have matches in my pocket (one of the pros of being a smoker: you're ready to commit arson at any time). I bolt outside, the cool night air whipping my hair around me. I shake the gas can. It's about three quarters full which should do the job.

I start in the basement; that's where all the evil is it seems. Then the main floor. I don't bother with the upstairs because I hear Tate coming. I hide the almost empty jerry can and regain my composure.

He holds out a bottle of pills. Sleeping pills. "It can be just like last time. I'll hold you in my arms. You'll die loved."

Oh fuck. Oh shit. I just got my life back and now he wants to end it?

"Tate.." I choke out. My heart is racing. My palms are sweaty. Everything reeks of gasoline and I want to puke.

"I know you're scared. But this way we can have our forever. We belong together. You know that," he pleads. I almost want to give in. I've been drawn to him since day 1. It seems right that we stay together. Yes, I think. I hold my hand out and he hands me the bottle. Yes. This feels right.

"But the others, they didn't come back," I say.
"It's okay. I'm in control now."

I swallow one, two, three, four. I almost gag on the last one and Tate goes to get me a glass of water. Everything around me sharpens when he leaves. No. This is wrong.

He comes back, a tall glass of water in his hand, a box of matches in mine. The match hits the floor.

My world goes up in flames.

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