46. The Devil You Know

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I feel myself slowly waking up. I feel the coolness from the ground seeping into my skin. My throat is sore from screaming and bass from upstairs shakes the ceiling. I bet no one even heard me.
Shakily, I stand up. All the blood rushes to my head and my vision blurs. Not that I could see much to begin with. I start forward with my hands in front of me. I know there's a door around here that leads outside and I know I need to find it or else something bad is going to happen to me.
"Fuck," I mutter. Here I am, back on the floor. I try to see what I tripped over but I can't make it out. On my hands and knees I crawl over. In the darkness it just looks like a heap of clothes. I reach my hand out. What I feel is not clothes. I look closer and I see there is a shape here. A human shape.
I stumble back clapping a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming because right in front of me the thing I tripped over isn't a thing it's a person a dead person a dead person right in front of me. And I look again and now I can see hair long hair long hair and pale skin and she -it's a she- she's young and the only person in the house that I know of who fits that description is Laurel and she's been gone all day and I thought she was mad but this whole time she was dead!
Oh Jesus Jesus holy fucking Jesus get me out of here. I scramble to where I think the door is and the lights flicker on. I jump because I'm not the one who turned them on.
I throw the door open and I can see the sky. The stars are washed out by the street lights and the moon is out. Happy kids are screaming for candy. It's so bright. This would be a nice last thing to see. I'm almost out, I'm almost safe but something grabs my ankle and starts pulling me back. I've never been so afraid for my life before. I kick and hang onto the ground. My foot connects with something solid and I'm released. I run, never looking back, even when I hear a very familiar voice calling my name.

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