15. The Realization

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I try to run to my parents standing in the middle of the street. As soon as I step through the gates, I appear in the kitchen. I look around, stunned by my surroundings. It's dark, so I run my hands along the wall until I find a light switch. Am I dreaming? Did I hit my head or something?

I slowly make my way to the foyer. My parents step through the front door before I can.

"Laurel? B-but you're dead," she trails off.

I don't feel dead. I would know, wouldn't I? I remember going into the basement with that weird girl and then...blackness. But I'm here. Dead people don't just come back to life.

"What the fuck, Vi?" A cute blonde guy enters the room, following the weird girl.

"I didn't mean to do it, Tate, you know I didn't mean to," she says, looking broken.

Didn't mean to do what? I watch in fascination.

She collapses into his arms, and he looks sort of broken, too. I feel kind of awkward watching this personal moment, but it's better than looking at my mom silently weeping in the doorway.

"Yeah Vi?"
"I know you didn't mean to kill all those people. I didn't mean to kill her. I don't even remember doing it." She buries her head in his chest and the realization dawns over me.

I'm dead.

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