The land of oppertunity

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. Local time is 17: 35 and the temperature is 1*c, For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign..."
My attention begins to drift in and out and the cabin girl voice begins to fade into the background of my conscience, admiring the beautiful views of the lights.
"... around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.
If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you..."
Knowing that I could not be the only one who believed her talking was becoming a bit excesses.
"Siren" I said in a harsh whisper in an attempt to grab his attention from what seemed like a pretty interesting one with a slightly older gentlemen " I see you caught the attention of a bear, from the amount of hair on you chess I would believe your sugar daddy days where up, little to hairy to be a twink now don't you think? unless your just looking to cottage". I said with a slight smirk knowing that right now he's playing bait and bait doesn't look anything but innocent so the words he would like to use really wouldn't fit the persona he had going and also our last attempt of have sugar daddy's didn't turn out to well... For mr daddy bear we were fine in fact we were 100,000 finer. "Well hooker, before you were interrupting, this fine young man." He paused and looked to his right where old pupa bear resided comfortably, A small smirk formed on his full lips, "was just telling that he knew a place where we could pick up." His hand shifted slightly and I felt something cold and leathery shift into my hand not looking down I secured it in my hand. I leaned on closer slightly and lowered my voice, " well well Si not even been in the country for a minute and you've already got a grizzle bear thinking about adopting a new cub" the smirk could be heard in my voice, " it looks like I'm slacking." He turn his attention back to papa bear who apparently had all the connections, but was currently missing a phone and a wallet and I dragged my attention to miss talk a lot who was standing at the front still.
"We remind you to please wait until you are inside the terminal to use any electronic devices
On behalf of Virgin Atlanta Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening."
I lifted my head and rested it against the head rest, taking in the last few minutes of my first flying experience, than begin to gather up my items, it felt like I was back in secondary school and the teacher had yet to stop talking so everyone decided to pack up and totally disregard her, well yeah that what I was doing. It was very rear that something could hold my interest for long, it was pretty commonly known that I had a rude way of walking of during the middle of a less then intelligent conversation. Once everyone left the plane and We walked down the stairs and followed the direction the other passengers had taken, we waited for our parents, who my mother somehow convince them to promote their journey to first class.
My mother looked every bit of 30, 13 years younger then her actual age, as a teen before her wild years kicked in she had been a runner, ran for London, was going to run for England but in the last race she kept looking back and well came fourth, but the training kept her muscle memory in tacked, and after the bumpy past she did gain a few pound but her ever blossoming relationship kept her happy what encouraged her to whip into shape.
Now my brother and I were kinda unlucky when it came fitness, living in a house full of libra's they say that were one of the laziest star signs. We both struggled with our weight but lucky for kirin, whom we had nick named siren on account that when he was a child, he had a voice of an angle with a devilish sense of charm and charisma, ironically the name stuck and the voice didn't, he likes to remind us that were his voice failed his charm and good looks took over with a vengeance. We couldn't be more different, and yet the same, with his lighter fudge shade of skin tone that was covered in tattoos, of which he got a lot of them free due to his first boyfriend being a tattoo artist, that had become slightly infatuated with him, was a drastic contrast to my mocha latte skin shade, it was hard to tell we were twins, we both stood on the tall side him being the ideal 6"2 and me standing at 5"11 give or take an inch, he was lean with broad shoulders and very european features and a nose stud on his left nostril. Now where he was nick named siren, I was nick named Rocky, a name that was given to me in my primary school, I believe to mock my more than average female hight, and the fact that up until last year I was kinda fat. I was very much so on the heavy side, but being tall it did help to distribute my fat giving me the hour glass shape, so when I finally got serious with my weightloss, let's just say everyone was shocked including me. At 172 pounds I wasn't skinny but I wasn't fat my waist decreased the most. Now, when I was fat my waist had been the smallest part of my body, the real difference was in my breast going from a full 38 FF to a slightly droopy B. I was blessed to have still maintained my big rear and thick legs, an my stomach laying much flatter .
My face looked more exotic compared to my brothers more European features.
The lobby of the was a surprisingly sleek classy decor, a glossy room filed to was seemed like mile long lines of people queuing and people gathered with signs, families hysterically crying, couples clinching on to each other in an passionate embrace.
I linked arms with my brother and followed my mother and Tatsuya, who was the same age as my mother both being forty-three and both appearing a least ten years younger. Tatsuya, was very handsome with tanned skin tone and a very handsome face, but I believe what attracted my mother to him the most is that he walked like Denzel Washington, with an ora of dominance that forces you to look into his dark eyes, promise danger to those who appose him. Tatsuya was a man that would kill to protect the ones he loved, and kill he did.
At aged eleven Tatsuyas sword had it first taste of blood, at the commanded of his father Yuu Yamaguchi, a drug lord, who controlled majority of the drug trade, within japan and dominating areas by forces.
With his assassins selected from young and sent on missions at fifthteen to hunt and kill the chosen victims, until his son, his basted half beed child, who me he had taken from his An ex lover, to live with him as a second heir, should anything, let's just say anything unfortunate to happen to his sole ligament son and child Itachi. Tatsuya, was taken from his mother at five. His mother being his fathers american mistress who had somehow fled back to america unnoticed. Yuu had taken the finest teachers, weapon trainers and trained him in all areas of combat and was taught how to withstand pain, interrogation torture, Tatsuya was trained to become a weapon on the field and in business, he was thought the history of the Japanese drug trade, how to run it he made connections shadowed his fathers advisors, Yuu also enlisted people to teach Tatsuya how to negotiate, the art of oratory, the ability to charm a room and also silence one with a look. Yuu had believed it would be good to train Tatsuya as he had a natural ability to lead Yuu had privet meetings with his son Tatsuya instructed him to follow his command and the commands of his brother Ictachi, should something happen to him, Yuu would often tell Tatsuya that he was to watch over his brother as he feared his life of luxury had spoilt him rotten and was to teach Ictachi everything that he was taught and told protect him, should anything happen to him. The key thing that his father thought him was that "family, honour and his word was golden" he would say it after his many one to ones, and then drift into the tails of how he met his exotic mother. She was a six foot American beauty queen with golden blonde hair and a Classic Hollywood beauty, she was wild, Yuu didn't feel intimidated by her hight as he found her quite fascinating she was exciting and different from the delicate Japanese wife, whom he'd believed was the perfect wife she was almost to perfect. The relationship between Yuu and Tatsuya mother lasted seven months, when she found out he was married and had been so for the last twenty years, In a blinded range Tatsuya mother confronted Yuu, she never wanted to be the mistress, she wasn't given the choice. Yuu was surprised by her newly found disrespect and graced her with a sharp powerful slap and threatened to kill her should she forget her place. Tatsuya loved his mother being caring, his father was never in his life up until the day he took him, and Tatsuya never had the urge to ask his mother about him. Tatsuyas mother had been very honest with him and preached "if you feel like you need to lie, you most likely have no business doing what your doing" After being taken from his mother he missed her loving kisses, his mother let him live a peaceful life. she would always tell him "find a loving wife trust her and protect her and your family, you can never be to old to love". After moving to his fathers, his mothers last word to him remained embedded in his mind, "find a good wife,and protect your family". Tatsuya was trained upon his arrival at five and at the tender age of eleven summoned to take his first victim. Yuu had discover his wife's infidelity, one that lead her to fall pregnant, Yuu Yamaguchi's wife Yuma had manage to conceal the fruits of her infidelity by passing the child of as her husband, she had been having an affair with an English teacher that Yuu had haired to teach his wife english, as a way for her to become more worldly, she began this heated love affair as she began to crave the forbidden touches of the foreign man, caught intoxicated by the wild nights of heated passion, the foreign danger of her husband Yuu finding out she became careless, she became engulfed in a sinful mist and fell pregnant and found out to deep into her pregnancy to think of termination, she began to panic, her husband Yuu would kill her in the most gruesome of ways, she had to keep this pregnancy a secret, nervous that her secrete would be reviled she murder her lover in his sleep and disposed of the body. Now the secret had been well concealed for sixteen years, and there had been a few rumours that where raised about her faithfulness what Yama quickly silenced, but as arrogant as Yuu was he would never suspect his beloved of infidelity, and he love his son Itachi whom he spoilt with the dinner thing in life that he craved. Yuu's beautiful wife insisted, Itachi was to young and that he need to be free to be a child as he had time to learn the trade later. Yuu had a slight suspicion in his mind that his son was indeed his son, but after the rumours died down so quickly Yuu put any doubt he had in his mind to rest. Suspicion only began to resurface when Yuu, his wife and Itachi, where eating dinner kneeling at the low table, he began to observe his family like he did at all meals, however caught by surprise at the sudden realisation that his son was sixteen and had yet to hold any resemblance to himself and he couldn't help but notice that even his Japanese american son held a startling resemblance. No Itachi, Itachi look like completely different persons, lack any evidence of his father, with his thin lips where both Yuu and his wife had full ones, perhaps his wife's genes had dominating the boys DNA, except small details about Itachi had appeared alien, as he had his mothers nose being a small Japanese traditional nose, he also had his mothers eye colour, but the shape his eyes were wide much like european eyes and even his mixed son carried the trait of his eyes in shape and colour. Tatsuya, at 11 stood at 5'7 no where near his full protental being that his mother stood at a vibrant six foot, and Itachi at sixteen stood at a proud six foot. Now this is what intreged Yuu, he stood at five nine more then average in japanese hight, Yuu was lean and shared the same hight as the taller members of his family, a trait that his family were recognised by umong his city, and his mother was a much more traditonal dantiy woman standing at a delicate five foot one. Yuu wanted to investigate this futher so he bagan to pour a round of saki for his wife and son, his wife smiled and sipped at her cup. "So my son, i feel like i havent been able to speak to you man to man, tell my what you enjoy" Yuu smiled at his son, and gracefully raised his drink to his mouth, taking in Itachi mannerisms, the way he smiled and sat gracefully like his mother in his already musculer frame. Yuus wife Yama was happy at her husban taking a personal interest in her son, Yama believed her husbaned loved her son, but would often find herself remembering her childs sinful conception. Yuu took in the way his wife mood seem to become more happy at his questoning of their son, he also begain to notice the lack of similaritys in Itachi characteristics, he lacked control and craved attention. Yuu studied everything his family did that weekend. Two days passed and Yuu Yamaguchi, had had his men gather information from his wife's friend and family in the small village that she had originated from, kyoto. Yuu had met what would become his wife Yuu, once a young Virgin Miko. He had been visiting Kyoto on a business meeting, to discuss his plans of people trafficking with very important people. After gathering all the necessary evidence to make a valid assessment of he wife's more scandalous adventures, sometimes having to resort to his studies of the artful technique of torture. Yuu had composed a well a made full assessment of his current family affair, Yuu was a very inteligent man, intelligence being one of the many traits Itachi seemed to lacked. Yuu was smart enough to know that even the most intelligent people can be distroyed when they become over comfortable in their passion, Yama had never given Yuu any reason to doubt her fidelity. Yuu knew he had allowed his pride get the better of his good sense of judgment, in assuming that his wife would never have the urge to run into the garden of infidelity, that whisper warnings of her dangerous journeys. Upon him finding out about his wife's sinful fun. Yuu sat kneeling once again at his family dinner table, with a silent anger brewing, he was controlled in his movements, ignoring Itachi's daily self centred speech about what he achieved, he lacked humbleness, "hmm" Yuu let out sinister steady hum, one that suggest he intrigued by something. After raising a eyebrow on his mature but handsome face. "Yama, my wife I am very intrigued, Itachi, go to you room, I have important issues to discuss with your mother" Yuu eye never leaving his wife's, Itachi got a sense of uneasy calmness from his father, and got up with no question. Yama was taken back but the sudden change of moods, and began to wonder what had brought on the cynical change to the evening. Yuu had always been very easy with her, never showing his true capability, and had never discussed business with her, seeing when ever Yuu had, Yama appeared to be lest than enthusiastic. Yuu waited three minutes after Itachi's departure, and made a note of how Itachi had not looked back when leaving the room, Yuu than began to get up and walk gracefully towards his wife, who had a look of fare in her eyes. Yama would often forget her mistake, but on the rare occasion that Yuu would act in an her mind would race back to hidden past. Yuu approached his wife in a slow but steady in manner taking in how her breathing had become long deep breaths, and how she would shift ever so slightly when Yuu started moving towards her, now Yuu had never given his wife a reason to fear him personally, in thirty one years of being together, Yuu never took out his anger or frustration out on his wife, as he believed her to be to innocent to face that harsh reality of his world, so her sudden tension confirmed his suspicions of his wife's secret life, for he knew that she had only seen a fraction of what he was capable of.
Tatsuya, had been taken from his evening meal, that he had with his mentors, and brought into a dark room, where scuffling could be heard from the centre of the room. A small click silenced the room, Tatsuya blinked and held his head Down as he allowed his eyes to adjust to the now brightly lit room. Standing in the centre of the room was his father, who had two hooded people kneeling on the ground beside him, who appeared to be tied up, Tatsuya, show his father no fear as he looked him directly in the eye, "father" in a tone that held the question, what was going on. "Ahh my son, what is the key thing I tell you" Yuu spoke in the tone that he had always addressed he son, looking him directly in his eye as he ask the question, "family, honour and his word was golden". Yuu eleven year son spoke with confidence and conviction, "good Tatsuya, very good. now you see, my son did I ever tell you the consequence of you betraying family". Tatsuya replied in same confident yet graceful manners, " a death worthy of the Uragirimono (traitor) , to betray his family, honour or word should be sentence to the most creative of deaths, as their Power is only actualised when their words and deeds have not parted company." " And what type of man would I be if I didn't practice what I preached my dear son." Yuu was proud of his young son, he stood there brave and unfazed by the current affair, this is what one born from his seed should be, strong. Tatsuya, had learnt from a young age, to never revile his true emotion, and many believed that Tatsuya had a mental health problem, the fact that Tatsuya had the ability to cut himself of from his emotions at such a young age, and believed the number of ruthless murders the young child had witness, and the countless amounts of times he had witnessed a person being torture or had been forced to part take in, or perhaps even countless time Tatsuya himself had been tortured. Regardless whatever horrific event that had numb Tatsuya to his horrific past. Yuu removed the hoods that had been been placed on his victims identity. Tatsuya studied the battered bodies of his step brother and mother, Tatsuya face reviled nothing. "You see my sitting here before you, is a filthy Baishunfu ( prostitute) , and that yarou (basted)
Is the fruit born from her wild ventures of infidelity. you see Yama I would not have killed you had you cheated, that would have been completely dishonourable on my half, as I to have been lead astray in to the mist of infidelity, however you attempted to deceive and manipulate my missed place good judgment of you, go so fare my little wife to kill of your lover in a ploy to destroy and evidence of you lustful deed, sadly for you your bastard child ironically beard no resemblance to me or my son, with his European eyes and unexplainable height. So I began to search for evidence proving my theory, obtaining it in the most creative of manners". Yuu began to walk towards a table covered by a black plastic sheet, he placed a pair of leather gloves on his hand. Eleven year old stood still and calm, evaluating everything that was just reviled, while his tied disfigured step brother sat kneeling in the center of the metal room Tatsuya observed the scene in critical details, anticipating what was about to unfold. Tatsuya was a surviver of a fiendish battle, Take the heads of two of the most via lest creatures of the most dishonourable kind.
Tatsuya believed that day tore a peace of his soul, leaving no evidence of the innocent child that had once existed.
He looked at his beautiful family and felt like a peace of his soul had been restored, casting a cleansing light on his dark past. Taking his wife's hand proceeded to walk trough the lobby of the high class airport, not before looking over his shoulder to ensure his children where close behind them.
Rochelle linked arms with her brother, who was unbothered by the sudden dead weight that had suddenly lashed on to his arm.
I was happy I decided to wear a hat, dressed in black leggings biker boots and a leather jacket with a snug black beanie crowning my head. taking the time to asses my brothers attire, not surprised by his unique yet trendy dress sense, Kirin always had a key eye sense of fashion, he left school after becoming lost In the cracks of the system, he spent his teens years working in retail for trendy fashion store urban outfitters, quickly working his way up to visual mechanise. My brother was rocking a black and moss green checkered shirt, with his sleeves rolled up, showing a full display of his tattooed arms.
We were a very attractive family, and turned heads wherever we went, I had finally come to terms that I was very attractive, and learnt to be less aggressive as a defensive mechanism.
We left the airport without any hassle, heading straight to the exit without any questions, upon leaving the airport our luggage was delivered to us by a silent, five foot eleven, fresh faced, blonde, bell boy. Who appeared conveniently appeared beside us as we left the airport silently leaving our luggage behind as he continued on his journey. A minute later a beautiful girl with a olive completion and dressed in a a white sleeveless crop top and dark green high waisted bodycon skirt, that had a split revealing her shapely tanned leg as rushed pass us, causing her to bump into Tatsuya. The family watched as Tatsuya gracefully reached to help her up, the beautiful woman discreetly placed a car key in to his hand. After the young lady gathered herself in the most graceful manners, she smile of gratitude and proceeded along her journey. Tatsuya made no sign to acknowledge the key that currently resided in his hand, but began to walk confidently towards a Land Rover Discovery 4 what had been parked three cars down from the current position after gathering all their luggage. Tatsuya, causally placed the key he had been given, into the lock on the car boot, and placed all of their luggage into the boot. Once everyone had been seated in the car Tatsuya, followed the pre-programmed tom-tom what took him to the entrance of the MGM Grand Detroit hotel, Nikita went in to the glove compartment and gathered four room keys and paper work placing all of the items in to her channel hand bag. After giving the car keys and their luggage to the bell boy, the family entered to glamorous hotel.
Tatsuya held his wife's hands as he lead his family to lift passing a golden statue of a lion draped in red roses. upon entering the elevator Nikita removed one of key cards from her bag, swiping the plastic key trough the lock, and went on the press the button that brought them to the penthouse suite. The apartment was beautiful,My brother and I had decided to leave their parents up to the own devices, who had retired to their room "to discuss business" we took the opportunity to explore. The apartment was decorated in shades of brown cream that set of an intermit vibe, the apartment consisted of two levels, the first level consisting of two large rooms, separated by a large carved oak wood stair case creating a wall that was plastered and painted both the same cream that decorated the lower half of the apartment. The room was a very large lounge, decorated with two large soft chocolate brown sofas, and coffee table made out of dark brown wood, the hight white walls were Decorated in dimly lit spot lights and a fifty inch T.V what was hooked up against the stair converted wall, that also functioned to creat two open entrances two the second room. We continued to walk from the lounge towards two large french doors, what lead us to a romantic roof terraces. I gasped as I gazed upon the large dimply lit terrace, taking in the jacuzzi and black leather sofas, and beautiful black slate flooring that gave the illusion of mist with the help of the dimly lit light that had been embedded in the ground. I slowly began to walk toward the entrancing view, startled by its beauty taking in the city light view. I looked to my left and watched as my brother soaked in the view, I latched on to his arm and gaze up to the sky, breathing in the autumn breeze. "Rochelle, look at the stars this looks nothing like our shitty council estate view". I tilted my head slightly back and took in the indigo sky, the stars seemed to dazzle throughout the night sky.
Nikita gazed across the terrace at her beautiful children, surprised at how grown they had become, it seemed like only yesterday, we were sitting in their childhood bedroom, sharing packets of walkers cheese and onion flavoured crisp. Nikita was happy that she had finally found her partner in life and in business.
Resting her head against her husbands chests, breathing in his masculine, earthy fragrance, feeling a sense of deviation wash through me, appreciating everything he had done for them and their families accepting all of her the good the bad and cleansing our dark past and all it's evil.
Tatsuya took his wife's hand and led them towards their children. Rochelle and Kirin looked back as their parents approached them, both entranced by the mesmerising the scene that was standing before them. "Siren doesn't mum and Tatsuya look like Aaliyah and jet lee from Romeo must die" Rochelle whispered, Kirin chuckled lightly "you gruge gyal, I was just thinking the same bloodclart thing" causing them both to bust into a hysterical fit of laughter. Slightly tipsy from the bottles of champagne that had been placed beside the jacuzzi in a bottle chiller.
"Twiddle dee and twiddle dumb, how do you like the place", Tatsuya asked with a genuine smile, studying his children's faces with a look of admiration. Kirin smirked and raised an eyebrow " me clearly being twiddle dee, on the account of being the smarter sexy one of the two". Rochelle was taking a sip of her drink when she heard her brother state his outlandish opinion, in a state of shock she began to choke "you basic bitch, you tried to kill me, your are obviously twiddle dumb, you duppy, but in all honesty it's beautiful, it really is the land of opportunity." "No, you fools, it's home" Nikita said after a warm sense of comfort washed over her, and those where the only words that came to her mind. "Your right my beautiful dragon tamer" Tatsuya whispered into her ear as he bushing his lips slowly down her shoulder, "we're going to a family gathering, your going to meet some new family with kids about your age" " were twenty one" "yeah and your our kids regardless, and you both seriously need to stop cutting me off, now when you go their I want you to be yourself, their going to become like family to you, so relax and make sure you both get their on time". Both Rochelle and Kirin couldn't help but smile, remembering that their family used to be very dysfunctional glad to see that they were all able to fix their relationship with their mother, and being embraced by Tatsuya without any questions. They also couldn't help but wince when they picked up on a key word used "so, when you say we have to make sure to get their on time, do you mean where going to my traveling their on our own, without a car". Tatsuya chuckled "yes, you have exactly two hours before you car gets here, where leaving now so we were coming to tell you, living here is going to be very different compared to living in london on your own, were going to be all together, of cause you'll have your own freedom, hence why your making your own why there". Kirin asked the only question he deemed was relevant at this time "you've had business meetings before, you know we hate them" hence why we lived in London and you and mum both lived well everywhere on business trips" Kirin couldn't help but think, Rochelle catching on to were her brother was going with this (us getting drunk, and wanting to go party) asked the only question worth asking at this time " who is it that we're going to meet" "the family". Tatsuya phone rang, informing him that his car was ready downstairs waiting for them, after telling them to be there on time, they left.

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