Eyes - 2Na

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A/N: please more ideas guys.

Requested: Minareads123

Sana sat in her class, the start of a new semester was always enough to make her both excited and fearful. She hated having morning classes, mainly because she was never a morning person. She took a seat somewhere near the middle of the class, off to the side so no one would really pay any attention to her. She would always be this tired in the morning and would never want anyone to talk to her.

Until she came in. Her eyes immediately landed on another girl who walked in. She was very intimidating yet adorable at the same time. She couldn't help but stare at her from her desk, watching her pick a seat in the row next to hers, but not directly next to her. Just diagonal. She watched the girl get situated at her desk, pulling out her notebook and pens. One fell out, rolling towards Sana.

"It's fate." Sana thought to herself. She bent down to pick it up, reaching out to the girl. "Hey, you dropped this." Sana managed to spit out. The girl looked back at her, seeing the dark blue pen in the stranger's fingers.

"Thanks." She whispered. She glanced up to look at the stranger's face, causing Sana to practically have a heart attack.

"N-no problem." Sana stammered.

The girl's eyes were all Sana could think about. They looked as if they could tell so many stories. She attempted to focus in the class as the professor went on about the syllabus, but had a hard time focusing since the girl in front of her was invading her mind.

The next morning, Sana made sure to remember where she sat, and changed her seat to be directly behind her. As more and more students piled in, she frowned, thinking maybe she was running late. A few minutes before the class started the girl walked in, looking around to see the only empty seat being the one directly in front of Sana.

Sana didn't know if she had made a face, but she tried her best to conceal her happiness when the girl chose to sit in front of her. During the lecture, Sana glanced over at the girl's paper, noticing that she was writing Japanese characters rather than Korean like the rest of the class. She tilted her head, wondering if she was just showing off her skills or if she really didn't know Korean characters.

After class Sana made sure to ask.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice your notes..." Sana mumbled while trying to catch up to her. The girl's cheeks immediately flushed a deep red, clearly embarrassed. "You're Japanese too?" Sana whispered. The girl lit up, nodding slowly.

"I'm not good at writing it... But speaking and understanding is fine." She mumbled.

"I could teach you if you wanted. The tests are going to be written in that class... You'll struggle if you don't get it." Sana frowned.

"Really??" The girl gasped. Sana nodded with a smile. "That would be great. I'm... I'm too shy to ask my roommate to teach me." She chuckled.

"No worries." Sana smiled. "Sana by the way."

"Mina." She smiled back.

Ever since their little meeting, Sana had given Mina a variety of lessons. Simple ones at first starting with the alphabet and teaching her how to write everything. Mina was slow at first, trying not to jumble the characters with the other language she knew. But got it down eventually.

"You're mixing it up again." Sana chuckled quietly while looking at her paper.

"I'm sorry. It just looks the same." Mina frowned. "All of it does to me..." she shook her head, wanting the little lesson to be over but she knew it had only just started.

"It's okay. Just think of it this way." Sana quickly wrote down little cheat sheets for Mina on how to remember everything properly. Within a few more lessons, Mina's writing was a lot better.

"Finally." Mina chuckled when Sana gave her a thumbs up. "This is so tedious." She smirked.

"Well learning a new language is hard if you really never did anything with it." Sana shrugged her shoulders, knowing it was difficult for her to first learn it. "I still struggle, but mainly with speaking." She smirked.

"Is that why you're so quiet in class?" Mina whispered.

"Eh..." Sana chuckled. "I get really, really nervous around people that I find attractive... So... That's why." Sana shrugged her shoulders, laughing nervously.

"Oh." Mina smiled, her cheeks now tinted pink.

"Don't worry. I'm not some kind of player either. I just think this one person in our class is really cute." She smirked. Mina nodded her head, focusing her attention on her worksheet instead of Sana. "She sits in front of me all the time too." She chuckled. Now Mina couldn't concentrate.

"Uh..." Mina mumbled.

"Sorry! Too forward... I'll stop." Sana immediately frowned.

"No.. I... I'm not used t-to that.." Mina whispered. "But... I...I do find you very attractive as well." She glanced up at Sana, and again Sana's heart skipped a beat. Those eyes again. She wasn't lying.

"So how about I take you on a date?" Sana smirked, sliding closer to Mina. She caught the glances of a few guys eyeing Mina. She really wanted to make a move, just to force them to look somewhere else, but it was clear that she was extremely closed off from everything and everyone.

"D-date?" Mina managed to spit out.

"Yeah.. Like dinner." Sana winked. Mina blushed, hiding behind her hand before looking back at her.

"Okay." She smiled. Sana smirked at her, forcing her chair immediately next to hers and wrapped an arm around her.

"Good. Because honestly, if you hadn't said yes I would probably be so upset." Sana frowned.

"Why?" Mina asked.

"Because I wouldn't be able to look into your beautiful eyes as much as I wanted." She chuckled.

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