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"Bakugou! Oh my god! Eri what happened?! Is he alright!?"

"I don't know! Big brother is hurt! I don't want him to go!"

"Oh sweety don't cry... Bakugou is going to be alright,"

"I don't believe you!"

A harsh couch echoed through the room...

"Hizashi he's struggling to breath! Call the ambulance!"


"Big Brother!"

"Get him to the hospital!"



There inside the purple emo's room stood Mina, Sero, and Kirishima. Shinso had called them in after their meeting yesterday to talk to the three about the plan. They had wanted to ease into it and get the two back together slowly but they were running out of time. The Hanahaki was killing Bakugou and the virus wasn't planning on waiting for the four teens. So they had to work this out fast or Bakugou was going to die and Kaminari would never be the same again.

"Bakugou was sent to the hospital... He passed out a little bit after a friend called someone for help. No one knows if he's going to be ok. I really hope you idiots know what you're doing. Cause if Bakugou dies? I'm going to kill you guys," Shinso said to the three people in front of him who flinched at the purple haired boy's words.

"Oh, well... That doesn't sound very heroic buddy," Kirishima said only to get a glare from Shinso and a light slap on the arm from Sero which shut him up quickly.

"Just- What do we have so far? I hope you've gotten ahold of your little electrical friend," Shinso said pinching the bridge of his nose. He hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the past days... Like he got sleep in general anyways.

"Alright... I just texted Kami and he said he's going to meet us at the park. What he doesn't know is that the hospital is right next to the park. After we hang out for a bit we're going to tell him that Bakugou is in the hospital. We're going to tell him that since we're there we can go visit him. Since Kaminari can resist seeing his explosive crush... He'll follow," Mina said pocketing her phone a smirk relevant on her face.

"Alright so everyone know what we're doing... I know that we're crazy and all of that stuff. We're known for being crackheads and all. But this is something we can't mess up this time. This is for Bakugou and Kaminari. We need to help them both and if we don't do this right both are going to suffer. We might even lose one of them and we can't let that happen. So lets do this Baku Squad!" Sero said with a smile and put his hand in the middle.

"For Bakugou and Kaminari! Bakukami is going to sail!" Mina yelled with a giggle and put her hand in the middle with Sero's.

"Yeah for family! Let's go get our buddies back and happy!" Kirishima cheered and put his hand in the middle with everyone else's.

The three of them looked over to Shinso whose arms were crossed. His dark purple eyes looked the group up and down. Shinso could feel the love rolling of the three and he was happy that Bakugou was able to get friends like this. Mina smiled and nodded to Shinso who let a small smirk fall onto his face.

"For Kaminari and Bakugou... For Family. Let's do it," Shinso said and put his hand in the middle with everyone else's.


"Thanks for bringing me here guys. It's nice to get out of the dorms once in awhile. You know? Oh and thanks for agreeing to come with us Shinso! It's nice to see a new face. Anyways what do you guys want to do? We've been at the park for a few hours now. I don't even know why you guys asked me to come hand outside with you all. Today isn't anything special," Kaminari said and the others looked at each other.

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