7 Reasons Why

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A/N I've never read the book or watched the series (13 reasons why). Just saw a one-shot like this and went for it.

Fun fact about me: I'm a poet. This chapter is a bit poetic, so I thought you might like to note that.

Also, more Spider-man in general than USM. Sorry.

This took too long to write. On and off I went. Sorry for the late update.

Also, if you're into Percy Jackson, I have a one-shot published like this. But it's way better. Check it out. "Dirty Little Secrets."



It was the end.

I wouldn't continue on.

I was gone. Erased.

And I wasn't coming back.

I'd jump from a plane.

The parachute wouldn't work.

I was drowning.

Drowning in a pool of tears.

There's no lifeguard this time.

No, there's no one here.

No one can save me now.


I knew it was the end. No matter how many people say I'm "okay," I knew I wasn't. 

It all started one fateful day. 

No, I'm kidding. It's been going on for as long as I could remember.

Loser, written on my backpack. Weak, on the locker. A slap in the face, a punch in the gut. I could take it. 

Sticks and stones may break your bones, Uncle Ben used to say. But words will never hurt you.

If I could go back, I would've slapped him in the face. With words. He didn't know how it felt. In fact, no one did. It was infuriating. You can't always ignore them. 

You feel them every day, thrown at you from different angles. Words were sticks and stones. They hurt you as much as a slap in the face or a punch in the gut. 

Scars. Everyone had scars. Every new hit left a scar. Loser on my wrist. Freak on my stomach. Weak on my forehead. Did scars make me weak? Did being smart make me a freak? Did having only 2 friends make me a loser? 

I guess so.


I think my friends only hang out with me because they feel bad for me. No sympathy, no empathy. Just pity.

Were all friends that way? I didn't pity mine. I felt bad, sometimes, though. They were always complaining.

"My dad never talks to me anymore." I don't have a dad.

"Mom says I should be more like other people my age. But they're so annoying." I want to be like them. Cooler, more popular. I got in trouble when I tried. 

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