Tonight was the Night

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to breakfast," Riddle's tone was oddly sophisticated for such an average and menial line. Instantly Avery shakily rose, only to quickly sit back down. Nott easily uncovered his face with his pillow, but looked very unhappy to do so. Nott followed as Riddle walked to the door, Malfoy joined just as they were exiting. With a fleeting glance back at Black, who was pointedly refusing to look at Riddle, they were gone. Leaving a sickly Avery, a Black that was now not so subtly staring at Harry and Tiernan who was being patient.

"Fuck this," Avery groaned, he stood to his feet but shook slightly as he grabbed his bucket and rushed to the bathroom where he slammed the door roughly behind him.

Harry stared over to Black as he looked between Tiernan, who was starting to sit up, and Harry himself with a contemplative expression, "May we speak somewhere private?" Black asked, his voice professional sounding and it was a far cry from the excitedly cheerful voice from when they first met.

"Of course," Harry agreed, standing up with Tiernan following quickly. Black stood slowly, appearing slightly unsure of what to do next, "I wanted to talk to you anyway."

"Oh?" Black questioned, his brows raising slightly.

"Privacy is key," Harry smiled as he looked at the door, "I want to make sure Riddle is out of the common room."

"Riddle is quick, he's already in the hall," Black impatiently said looking nervously at the bathroom door.

"If you're so sure," Harry shrugged as he walked over to the door, opening it quickly he allowed the skipping Tiernan and the hesitant Black pass through the door. He quickly took lead of the group, guiding them without much care down the stairs and through the mostly empty common room. Acting causally works for the most part, especially with busy first years so the trio hardly got more than a glance. The trio got to the wall, where in wasting no time in opening. Harry weaved them swiftly into the maze of dungeon halls, and when he was satisfied with an old classroom they dipped inside.

The room smelled like mildew, but Harry didn't mind as he talked to the center of the room and turned to Black who was hovering at the door, "Come in, Black, I won't bite."

"Yesterday you told me you would never be satisfied with my suffering," Black nervously said as he stepped into the room, appearing like he regretted asking to go somewhere private with Harry and Tiernan.

"You also called me and Tiernan gay slurs and threatened to send a killing curse my way," Harry pointly said, his smile dipping slightly.

"I got bad news yesterda-" Black cut himself off but walked into the room with his head held down, "I don't need to be telling you this, not what we're here for I suppose."

"Well, if we're all going to share to the circle about why we wanted to see each other I'll go first," Lies, simple harmless lies formed from half truths swirled in Harry's mind as he went on, "I'm worried about you."

"What...?" Black looked floored he had clearly not prepared for that.

"Well, something happened yesterday, and that's obvious," Harry started coating his voice with only slightly manufactured concern, "Riddle was acting colder than usual and you seem... how do I say this... depressed? I don't like seeing people in such states, even someone who clearly holds a strong hatred for me-"

"I don't hate you," Black interrupted, eyes wide and a part of Harry's mind purred it was working, "I thought you did, with the wand thing... the hair and with how you treat Riddle I assumed you hated me."

"I don't hate anyone," Harry laughed the lies flowing with ease, Dumbledore was enough to hate at the moment, "I can be critical of people but that isn't hating anyone."

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