Class Project

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 The avoid being the center of attention again in class, you had gone as early as possible. Even so far as to leaving your last class early so you had enough time to get breakfast and head to class with enough spare time to eat before it started.

You had expected for the classroom to be empty, only to find Katie sitting on the professor's desk.

Hoping that she didn't see you, you quietly back out of the class to eat somewhere but she had managed to catch you.

"Hey, come in. Don't mind me. I'm just here for my office hours."

"Oh, uh thanks."

She smiles and motions for you to take a seat in front of her. You had originally wanted to sit in the back so she wouldn't call out on you anymore, but it looks like you were now going to be her favorite person to call on.

"It's nice to see that you're not going to be late for my class again."

You finish eating what you had on your mouth before answering her.

"I just didn't want to be late again. It's embarrassing for everyone to stare at you as you walk in. Especially when the professor calls out on you."

She laughs, making you think that she had enjoyed doing it.

"I'm sorry, that hadn't been my intention. I hated when they did that when I went to my university. I just didn't think there would be any more students as it was almost filled to the capacity. My friend never mentioned having these many students."

You shrug and look around the auditorium, sized classroom.

"It's one of the required courses that most majors have to take."

She nods in understanding and continues back to whatever she was doing on her phone. Giving you the perfect opportunity to take in the outfit she had been wearing. If you were going to sit in the front, might as well allow yourself to subtlety check out her outfit. You always a big fan of her outfits.

Right as you had finished with your breakfast, people began to start coming in. One of your friends that you hadn't seen last time that you were late, had sat besides you.

"Dude, can you fucking believe it? Katie McGrath as our professor? We're living in another universe. I literally can't think of anyone else better than her to teach this course."

You roll your eyes before turning to face her.

"She's just another professor, Lucy. I don't see what the big deal is."

Lucy glared at you, hitting your arm as if you had just insulted her mother.

"What the big deal is? You're talking about Katie McGrath. She's a big fucking deal."

You shrugged your shoulders. Still not wanting to seem like you were one of her biggest fans. The women picked on you; you couldn't give her more ammo. You just simply didn't want for her to overhear that you were a big fan.

"Whatever. I don't fucking believe you."

"Believe what you want."

Thankfully, the class starts and so you're able to ignore her for the rest of the time. Especially because Katie had been calling you nonstop to answer questions. You hated doing so but you couldn't help but admit that you liked how she now knew your name.

"So, I know it's just the second day, but I figured that the sooner you get started, the better your projects will be. This will count as 25% of your grade so you'll need to try your best on it. I want you to form groups while I put up the pdf for the project."

You let Lucy find the other team members while you continued to look on the board to see what the project was. You were hoping it wouldn't involve any acting but as you quickly read through it, you knew that you were for sure having to act.

"Now, I know most of you aren't actors so I encourage you to come to my office hours so that I can help you out with your parts. Remember, that your grade will be based on your performance. To make sure that you all work on it, I want you to turn in a word document with the script that you'll be doing and what each member of your team will be playing by the end of the week. Thank you and class is dismissed."

You slowly put your things away, wanting to talk to her about the project. Lucy had given you a weird look when she noticed how slow you were moving so you just explained that you had to talk to Katie about something. She nodded in understanding and headed out. When it was just a couple of students, you went down the stairs.

"Ms. McGrath, I wanted to talk to you about the project."

She turns around to face as you call for her.

"Ms. McGrath? That's incredibly weird. I'm going to have to get used to it."

"Right, well I just wanted to ask if there's anything I can do rather than the project? I can't act if my life depended on it."

Katie laughs and shakes her head.

"I'm afraid not. I was given specific instructions about the assignments and lessons. If you really are having a hard time with your assignment, feel free to come to my office hours. I'll be happy to help you out."

"There's really nothing I can do?"

She shakes her head and starts making her way out of the classroom.

"Yeah. I'm sure you'll be fine. Like I said, I'll be happy to help. I really have to go now but I'll be available before class starts if you have any questions. I'll see you next time, (y/n)."

You sighed and mumbled and quick goodbye. You were definitely going to have to go to her office hours. 

The Professor - Reader/Katie Mcgrath ImagineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt