First Lesson

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Class had been terrible. Katie had been been particularly cruel and basically asked you the answer for every single question. It made it hard for you to lose focus and you were more than sure that she had done it on purpose as she would smirk everytime you struggled to answer a question during parts that you hadn't paid any attention to. 

You sighed in relief when Katie finally dismissed everyone. 

"If I didn't know any better, someone has a little crush on you."

Lucy whispered to you as you packed your things to head out of class. All you could do was glare at her as she walked down the stairs to head out of class. 

"Don't forget Ms. (last name). Tutoring at 5."

Katie tells you as you pass by her desk and out the door. 

"I'll see you later, Ms. McGrath."

She gives you a smile and goes back to packing her things to head out. 


 You had been a nervous mess since class had ended. You thought you were ready to have another one on one with Katie but you were wrong. You couldn't sit still for a second and it was driving your roommate made that she ended up kicking you out to run off the excess energy. 

It helped for the most part as you stopped thinking about it. You didn't realize that you had been working out for the past 2 hours that you didn't realize that you were late to meet with Katie. 

She had called you while you were in the middle of finishing a set. 

"It's highly unprofessional to make your tutor wait for you when they willingly offered to give you extra lessons."

"Ms. McGrath! Shit! I'm so sorry. I lost track of time. I'll be there in 30 minutes. I'll even bring food to make up for the fact that I was late."

"Mmm...alright. I'm craving a burger."

She hung up and you rushed to take a quick shower and change into something presentable before stopping at a restaurant for some burgers for the two of you. You finally made it to the address 35 minutes later. 

"Nice of you to finally join me. Come on. I'm starving and you need a lot of help."

You started to protest but one glance from her and it shut you up.


Tutoring with Katie was something else. The role you were playing was not flirty at all but yet Katie seemed to play it like it was. She would add parts that weren't in the script that made it seem like she was flirting with someone. You asked her about it and she just said it was part of acting. A good actress often improvised some of her lines. You couldn't really tell her anything about the way she was playing your role because she played it perfectly. Just like everything else she had been in, Katie had been born for the role. 

"I told you it's all about the improvising. It makes your character to be more like you and makes the audience believe you were born to play it. Now you try."


"Mhm. You've watched me go through all your scenes so I'm sure you picked something up from it."

"Okay, but don't laugh."

"I would never."

She gave you a smile and motioned for you to proceed with your lines. 

"That was....good."

Katie said. She was just being too generous. Never in her life had she seen struggle so much with acting. 

"That's it. I'm never going to pass the class."

Katie placed her hand on top of yours and gently squeezed it. Hoping it would comfort you. 

"Don't worry. Everyone learns a different way. I'm sure we'll find yours. It's getting quite late and I'm guessing you have class tomorrow but we'll continue this next time. Don't lose hope. I promise to do anything I can to help you pass the class."

You gave her a small smile and nodded. 

"Thank you, Katie."

The two of you said some quick goodbyes and you headed back to your place. Where you ended up realizing that you were going to be spending a lot of time with Katie. The thought of that made you smile. Maybe it wasn't so bad that you were terrible at acting. You would've never had the opportunity to spend time with Katie. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. And by the looks of it Katie also liked to spend time with you. 

The Professor - Reader/Katie Mcgrath ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now