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"She's at the Fresh Crown. You have 20 minutes to get there or she'll get pissed and leave because we 'bailed' out on her."

That was 10 minutes ago and you hadn't moved to get ready. Honestly, you hadn't expected for Nicole to actually text you so you weren't sure if it was a joke or not. 

"Why haven't you arrived? I wasn't kidding. 10 minutes or you're never going to have another chance like this."

Nicole messages you as she doesn't notice you arrive. She had expected for you to rush to meet up with her, not stood her up. 

Forcing yourself to push down your fears, you quickly changed into something presentable and headed to the restaurant that Nicole had told you about. You took a deep breath and walked in to find Katie. 

"Fucking, Nicole. I knew they were up to something when they showed up to the class."

Katie said as she notice you approach the table. She starts to grab her things to head out, not seeing reason to actually stay. 

"Wait, I want to talk to you, please."

Katie sighs as she reads the message that Azie had sent her. 

"You should give her a chance to explain herself. Promise that it's good."

"Fine but you have 5 minutes. I have somewhere to be."

You knew it wasn't true but didn't say anything as you took a seat. 

"I wasn't sure what happened when you just stopped talking to me and cancelled our 'tutoring.' I kept trying to find something that I had done wrong but nothing came to mind. I tried talking to you but you kept ignoring me and it upset me. I wanted to fix things with you but you never gave me a chance to explain with whatever I had done wrong. It wasn't until Nicole pulled me aside and told me that you ended up overhearing my conversation with Lucy."

"The one where you tell her that you want to 'fuck' this Jamie."

"No, that's not true. I don't even like Gemma. She only talks to me when she needs me to tutor her for a test. What we were actually talking about was you. I just used Gemma's name because I couldn't exactly have my classmates overhear that I want to date you."

"So I overheard correctly, I just mistook what you had meant when you used her name instead of mine?"

You nod slowly, unsure of how she was going to react.

"God, I feel ridiculous for making it a big deal."

"No, no. It's my fault. I should've tried harder to explain myself."

"You didn't even know what was going on."


Katie laughs and shakes her head as she flags down the waiter to order the two of you a drink. 

"I think we're just going to go back and forth about who's to blame about all of this so why don't we just agree that it was both of our faults?"

"I don't have any problems with that."

The waiter arrives with both of your drinks and the two of you get texts messages. 

'Happy that you both figured it out with the fact that you're getting wine but can we join you guys? We're kind of starving?"

The two of you turn around to face Nicole, Andrea, and Azie. They just gives you sheepish smiles as they wave. 

"You don't have a problem if they join us, right?"

"Of course not. I'll love for them to join us. They after all helped us resolve everything."

Katie just gives you a smile as she waves them over. They immediately come in, dividing themselves to fit into the small booth. 

The Professor - Reader/Katie Mcgrath ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now