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Your team wasn't shit this time. They were actually wanting to work on it every time they had some free time. It relieved you to know that you weren't stuck with people that waited last minute to do their projects. 

Since the project would be due by midterms, everyone had agreed to do their solo parts separately and then meet up a month before to shoot the scenes that involved everyone. Once everyone had filmed their parts, you would be in charge of putting all scenes together. 

In theory, everything had been worked out. Your teammates knew what they were doing but you were behind. They were already shooting their 4th scene and you could barely even pass the 1st minute of your scene. You rewatched what you will film and cringe every time you saw yourself on the screen. It made you cringe. The acting was terrible. It was like right out of the porno. Made even below that. 

You had asked Lucy to help you out and she tried her best but you weren't getting any better. She kept saying that you were basically like a robot on screen and no matter what you tried, you didn't seem to have any emotions. 

Your team members had also tried to help you but that was huge failure. They did your scenes and theirs came out perfectly. You tried copying what they had done but you were still looking like a robot. 

The school even offered extra lessons to help out students with their acting but that didn't work out either. The tutors had even told you to come the next day as an expert would be coming in but you were too embarrassed to go back there after the disaster that had occurred that day. 

With no one else to turn to, you knew that you had to Ms. McGrath for help. You really didn't want to. You could already tell that it was going to be a disaster but if you wanted to graduate with a 4.0 then you needed to get over your tiny crush and ask her for help.


The next time you had class, you went an hour earlier to see if she could help you out. 

"(Y/n)! I didn't think you would come back this early again."

You gave her a smile. You had no idea how she did it but she was always so happy at this hour. Which was incredible. You were always exhausted. 

"I've been busy these past couple of weeks."

She nods and turns her body to face you.

"How's your project coming along? Your team members have already showed me some of their work and it's amazing. I'm assuming that you're here to ask for some pointers for yours as well?"

"No. Actually, I'm way behind them. I'm barely on the first scene. I've asked practically everyone to help me out with my scenes but I can't seem to get them right. They keep telling me that I'm too emotionless. That I'm practically a robot."

"I highly doubt that. Let me see what you have."

"It's really bad. I think we should just start from scratch. I'm too embarrassed to show you what I have."

Katie smiles and shakes her head. 

"Come on. I need to see what I need to help you out. I promise not to laugh or anything."

You groan loudly and pull out your laptop along with the various videos that you had already recorded. Katie's silent for the most part but you can tell she's shocked over your videos.

"Well, that certainly is something but don't worry. To me it just looks like you have stage fright. Did anyone practice with you without any cameras?"

You think back to all the tutoring sessions you had, only to realize that they had all been in front of a camera. 

"Now that I think about it, I don't think they did."

"Great! Lets start there. And if it's not that then we'll think of something else. I'm not going to rest until you've perfected your scenes."

"Oh wow. Thank you so much Ms. McGrath."

"Not a problem."

The door opens and someone else comes in. 

"I can tell you don't like an audience so how about we set up a time and place to meet?"

"I don't really want to bother you outside of your working hours. I'm fine with an audience."

Katie raises her eyebrow at you and shakes her head. She silently takes out a sheet of paper and writes something down before she hands it to you. 

"The contact information on the syllabus is for my friend. This is my number we can be able to set up when to meet. I want for you to pass this class and take something out of it. Not for you to just pass it and not really learn anything."

You look down at her number and place it inside your bag. 

"Thank you, again. Ms. McGrath. You're too kind."

"You're very welcome. Now go take a seat. The class is already filling up and I don't think you'll want your seat to be taken."

She says with a wink.

You bite your lip and nod. Making your way back to your seat as she turns her attention to another student. 

You weren't sure whether or not to be looking forward to these lessons. 

The Professor - Reader/Katie Mcgrath ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now